July 2, 2007
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Construction/Architects & Engineers; Main Street Markets - Small Business Risks; Bars & Restaurants; The Commissioners, Part 2
In this Issue
It FiguresFigures
494 Smarter drivers and more aggressive policing were credited with... -
FeaturesAllstate awards cities free gas for safe driving records
For the second straight year, an insurance study has found that Sioux... -
FeaturesBOP evolution warrants a second look
Do you think of business owners policies (BOPs) as low-premium... -
FeaturesMaximize your value by asking the right questions
Price, all too often, is the single factor in an agent's choice of... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Ohio Gov. changes security procedure after workers' data stolen A... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Security Guards Nuts & Bolts: Brownyard Group's program for security... -
SUPREME COURT RULING Limits investor antitrust recoveries BUILDER'S... -
FeaturesGreater competition, higher prices challenge A&E market
For architects and engineers the new mantra they are hearing from... -
Donald Gaddis Co. Inc. announced that Jay Dillon will lead the newly... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Traffic safety, not just a topic for the holidays
The Department of Public Safety said 494 people were killed on... -
Declarations Dangerous pooches "You never hear stories about roving... -
Editor's NoteTraffic safety, not just a topic for the holidays
Summer holidays like the 4th of July are always a great time for law... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Donald Gaddis Co. Inc. announced that Jay Dillon will lead the newly... -
FeaturesGreater competition, higher prices challenge A&E market
For architects and engineers (A&E) the new mantra is: "They want it... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Security Guards Nuts & Bolts: Brownyard Group's program for security... -
FeaturesMaximize your value by asking the right questions
Price, all too often, is the single factor in an agent's choice of... -
Two years after Missouri lawmakers tightened eligibility for benefits... -
The American Medical Association introduced a new medical journal... -
Idea ExchangeBOP evolution warrants a second look
Do you think of business owners policies (BOPs) as low-premium... -
Closing QuoteBalancing risk and reward
In the nearly two years since Hurricane Katrina and the New Orleans... -
More than $1 billion in flood damage is avoided each year through... -
CurrentsAllstate awards cities free gas for safe driving records
For the second straight year, an insurance study has found that Sioux... -
CurrentsOhio Gov. changes security procedure after workers’ data stolen
A 22-year-old intern was given the responsibility of safeguarding the... -
Dangerous pooches "You never hear stories about roving packs of... -
It FiguresIt Figures
494 Smarter drivers and more aggressive policing were credited with... -
FeaturesGetting to ‘yes’ with underwriters on design liability accounts
The most important thing a broker can do to advance an underwriting... -
Beazley Insurance Co. takes a unique approach to architects and... -
FeaturesProject owners run for their own cover
Owners of construction projects increasingly have concerns separate... -
FeaturesMore small businesses think big
Small business market remains attractive and profitable for insurers... -
OneBeacon Insurance Group has long focused on small business, with... -
Minding Your BusinessThe secret of “The Secret”
It has been said, "those that can see what they desire, will have... -
FeaturesSmall business owners’ needs run large
Agents can serve as partners to satisfy the demands of running... -
CurrentsHouse bill renews federal terrorism reinsurance for 10 years
Congress officially has a new bill to reauthorize the federal... -
CurrentsP/C insurers invest $320 billion in public projects
The insurance industry holds investments in municipal bonds worth... -
CurrentsSupreme Court ruling limits investors’ antitrust
Last month's U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that blocks investors from... -
FeaturesBuilder’s risk: difficult but manageable
New capacity enters the market, but terms and conditions not easy for... -
FeaturesCoverage interpretation and claims litigation at odds
But overall, construction market looks 'optimistic,' Willis exec says... -
FeaturesContracts count when dealing with subcontractors
Language, legislative knowledge, and right insurance partner keys to... -
FeaturesA look at restaurants and bars from the ‘inside-out’
Today's complex restaurant environment needs the right list of...
National Coverage
FeaturesA look at restaurants and bars from the ‘inside-out’
When people get to talking about America's food hot spots, the same... -
FeaturesP/C insurers invest $320 billion in public projects
The insurance industry holds investments in municipal bonds worth... -
FeaturesProject owners run for their own cover
Owners of construction projects increasingly have concerns separate... -
FeaturesHouse bill renews federal terrorism reinsurance for 10 years
Congress officially has a new bill to reauthorize the federal... -
FeaturesSmall business owners’ needs run large
Small business is big and getting bigger. Some 6.4 million businesses... -
FeaturesGetting to ‘yes’ with underwriters on design liability accounts
The most important thing a broker can do to advance an underwriting... -
FeaturesSupreme Court ruling limits investors’ antitrust
Last month's U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that blocks investors from... -
FeaturesMore small businesses think big
The federal Small Business Act defines a small business as one that... -
FeaturesContracts count when dealing with subcontractors
One of the many challenges general contractors — both... -
FeaturesCoverage interpretation and claims litigation at odds
Today's construction underwriters and their claim departments may not... -
FeaturesBuilder’s risk: difficult but manageable
The rest of 2007 will continue to be a difficult time for developers... -
Minding Your BusinessThe secret of “The Secret”
It has been said, "those that can see what they desire, will have...