July 23, 2007
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
2007 Excess, Surplus and Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. II; 2nd Quarter Market Survey
In this Issue
News CurrentsNews Currents
Wis. Supreme Court nixes class-action lawsuit against Harley-Davidson... -
Closing QuoteThe Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act
After decades of frustration and brutal disappointment, the vexing... -
It FiguresFigures
$76,000 A South Dakota judge ordered a man who set fire to a Rapid... -
FeaturesManaging energy industry risk in a volatile world
Taking the time to qualify a responsive and capable carrier with... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Indiana insurer for mutual insurers, agents celebrates 20 years The... -
FeaturesAuto crashes up, workplace injuries down according to Neb. Safety Council
Deaths from accidents have been increasing in Nebraska, becoming the... -
Declarations IPod thunderbolt "It's going to hit where it's going to... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Western Mutual, Farmers Home Mutual Western National Insurance Group... -
People Cary Schneider, senior vice president of the Insurance... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Truckers, Motor Truck Cargo Nuts & Bolts: Frontline Underwriters... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Of wind and floods
Is there a place for windstorm coverage in the National Flood... -
FeaturesHalf million more taxpayers’ info on stolen computer device in Ohio
The names and Social Security numbers of a half million more... -
FeaturesCongress gets serious about surplus lines insurance reform
Legislation passes House, heads for the Senate; but not all in the... -
The bill would establish national standards for how states regulate... -
FeaturesReeling in the new recruits
The surplus lines market is not unlike any other segment of the... -
FeaturesControl experience modification factor, before it controls you
Moving employers to take the right steps to reduce experience mod... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: Top 25 P/C premium gainers for first quarter 2007
"Growth is not constant and smooth. ... I ain't what I ought to be.... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyCreatively communicate with your carriers
There is more to good company relations than just putting an... -
Idea ExchangeCommercial lines insurers’ stocks up; M&A activity steady in 2nd quarter
Stock Prices: Commercial insurers' stocks were up an impressive 8... -
CurrentsIndustry supports terror bill but not all agree with NBCR mandate
At a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. last month, insurance... -
CurrentsFBI data mining targets include insurance fraud suspects
The FBI is gathering and sorting information about Americans to help... -
CurrentsGAO: Identity theft cases limited compared to number of security breaches
While the Government Accountability Office fell short of offering... -
CurrentsP/C industry net income, overall profitability slips
The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry's net income after... -
U.S. property/casualty insurers are expected to pay homeowners and... -
CurrentsBermuda shorted as more U.S. captives form onshore, Aon reports
Bermuda's reign as the undisputed global leader among captive... -
CurrentsSupreme Court raises bar for investors bringing securities fraud suits
The U.S. Supreme Court last month imposed a strict standard that... -
CurrentsTreasury chief Paulson vows review of U.S. financial services regulation
The Bush administration plans to review the U.S. government's... -
FeaturesBuilding the case with customers for excess casualty coverage
Rising tort costs, increasing litigation trends dictate the need for... -
Editor's NoteOf wind and floods
Is there a place for windstorm coverage in the National Flood... -
CurrentsAuto crashes up, workplace injuries down according to Neb. Safety Council
Deaths from accidents have been increasing in Nebraska, becoming the... -
CurrentsIndiana insurer for mutual insurers, agents celebrates 20 years
The blueprint for the company was originally conceived by an ad hoc... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Truckers, Motor Truck Cargo Nuts & Bolts: Frontline Underwriters... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$76,000 A South Dakota judge ordered a man who set fire to a Rapid... -
Idea ExchangeManaging energy industry risk in a volatile world
The world has experienced rapid and profound changes in recent years,... -
Closing QuoteThe Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act
The right policy at the right time ... After decades of frustration... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Cary Schneider, senior vice president of the Insurance Information... -
CurrentsHalf million more taxpayers’ info on stolen computer device in Ohio
The names and Social Security numbers of a half million more... -
CurrentsWis. Supreme Court nixes class-action lawsuit against Harley-Davidson
The Wisconsin Supreme Court refused to reopen a class-action lawsuit... -
IPod thunderbolt "It's going to hit where it's going to hit, but once...
National Coverage
News CurrentsNews Currents
Bermuda shorted as more U.S. captives form onshore, Aon reports... -
FeaturesTreasury chief Paulson vows review of U.S. financial services regulation
The Bush administration plans to review the U.S. government's... -
Carrier WatchCommercial lines insurers’ stocks up; M&A activity steady in 2nd quarter
Stock Prices: Commercial insurers' stocks were up an impressive 8... -
Workers CompControl experience modification factor, before it controls you
One of the most confusing components of an employer's workers'... -
FeaturesFBI data mining targets include insurance fraud suspects
The FBI is gathering and sorting information about Americans to help... -
FeaturesCongress gets serious about surplus lines insurance reform
Insurance regulatory reform efforts on Capitol Hill took a giant leap... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: Top 25 P/C premium gainers for first quarter 2007
I am certain that Erik Erikson, Stella Chess and Jane Whitbread were... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
P/C industry net income, overall profitability slips The U.S.... -
FeaturesIndustry supports terror bill but not all agree with NBCR mandate
At a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. last month, insurance... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Supreme Court raises bar for investors bringing securities fraud... -
FeaturesReeling in the new recruits
The surplus lines market is not unlike any other segment of the... -
FeaturesBuilding the case with customers for excess casualty coverage
What should brokers or agents say when they meet resistance from... -
FeaturesGAO: Identity theft cases limited compared to number of security breaches
While the Government Accountability Office fell short of offering...