August 4, 2008
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Agency Options: Networks, Financing, Staffing; Homeowners & Condos; Top Performing P/C Insurers: 2Q
In this Issue
FeaturesWisconsin High Court: Homeowners Insurance Doesn’t Cover Negligence
A couple's homeowner's policy does not cover alleged negligence by... -
FeaturesIowa Gov. Culver: $1.2 Billion in Flood Damages Unmet by Aid
Iowa Gov. Chet Culver said July 22 that state officials have... -
Buckle Up "There is an obvious correlation between safety belt use... -
FeaturesFamily Gets $18M After Birthing Defect
A judge approved an $18.2 million settlement from the government for... -
Closing QuoteChallenges and Strategies for the 21st Century Independent Agency
The letter from the Palatine Insurance Co. to the independent... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$235 Million Ohio businesses that aren't paying insurance bills to... -
FeaturesContingent Commissions Legal, N.Y. Court Rules
In a twist to a scandal that has rocked the insurance industry in the... -
FeaturesAmerigroup Settles Discrimination Lawsuit for $234M
Insurance company Amerigroup Corp. said July 22 that it has agreed in... -
FeaturesMoving Beyond the Perception Trap
Key to Growth: Become Remarkable, Indispensable to Your Customers... -
Editor's NoteThe Spitzer Error
Liberty Mutual downplayed its recent victory when the New York... -
FeaturesMid-Year 2008: Securities Lawsuit Filings Remain Up
Subprime and Credit Crisis Filings Show No Sign of Abating Is... -
FeaturesMissouri Judge Dismisses $7 Million in Fines Against Allstate
A Jackson County, Mo., judge agreed on July 23, 2008, to throw out a... -
People & PlacesPeople
Colemont Insurance Brokers promoted Matt Carpenter to assistant vice...
National Coverage
FeaturesEmployee Retention: It’s Not Always About Money
Paid Time Off, Office Space Equality, Free Fridays and Wellness... -
FeaturesWhat Agencies Can Expect Accessing Bank Capital in the Current Credit Crunch
How to Properly Position an Agency When Planning to Borrow From a... -
FeaturesAgents Weigh Independence, Commissions, Markets When Choosing Agency Networks
Rising Costs, Soft Market Cause Agents to Consider Network Options... -
FeaturesStudy: U.S. Entrepreneurs More Optimistic on Taking Risks
Despite a weakened economic market, a new study from Hiscox shows... -
FeaturesThe Complete Condo Package, Part 1
Fitting the Pieces Together for a Comprehensive Association or Unit... -
FeaturesA Philosophy – and Practice – of Sharing
Shows How Sharing Success With Producers Keeps the Agency and Its... -
FeaturesU.S. P/C Insurers’ Catastrophe Losses for Q2 Double to $6 Billion
Total of 16 Cats Generate More Than 1.2 Million Claims; Average Claim... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesGAO: Flood Program Lacks Funds to Face Future
The National Flood Insurance Program owes the federal Treasury more...