November 17, 2008
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Contractors & Builders; Nonprofits/Social Services/ Public Entities; Top Personal Lines Retail Agencies
In this Issue
FeaturesBerkshire Closes on Deal for 2 White Mountains Insurers in Runoff
Billionaire Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. owns two more... -
FeaturesSoft Market Challenges
Relationships, Recruiting, Training Key to Survival Soft market... -
FeaturesN.D. Commissioner Hamm Declared Winner in Tight Race
In a tight race that was not officially called until early on Nov. 5,... -
FeaturesA Tough Supporter of State Insurance Regulation, Hudson Also Has Open Door Policy at the Department
A public servant, attorney and community leader, Mary Jo Hudson... -
People & PlacesPeople
Zurich appointed Christopher Haarmann chief underwriting officer of... -
Editor's NoteOpportunity Management
As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, a quarter of... -
It FiguresIt Figures
2 Deer are causing more problems for Nebraskans, and it's not just on... -
FeaturesFormer Illinois Mayor Pleads Guilty to Insurance Scam
The former mayor of the Chicago northern suburb of Niles has pleaded... -
Closing QuoteMemo to Insurance Producers: Get Ready to Produce More in 2009
Although the economy is in serious trouble, nothing has changed. You... -
FeaturesBrooke Corp.’s Prospective Buyers Say ‘No’ to Deal; Company Declares Bankruptcy
Kansas-based Brooke Corp. laid off most of its staff after... -
FeaturesScorecard: Small Business at the Supreme Court
There is no question that the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions impact... -
The Blame Game "It stretches both credibility and past experience... -
FeaturesEven Best Practices Agencies Struggle To Grow in Soft Market
Revenue Growth Proves Challenge, Hiring New Producers Remains...
National Coverage
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesWhen It Comes to Crane Safety, It’s Not Safety First but Safety Always
Recognize Challenges, Develop a Plan and Start an Effective Crane... -
FeaturesGreen Building: New Benefits for Society and New Challenges for Risk Management
As society becomes more environmentally conscious, as energy prices... -
FeaturesSensible Success
Focusing on One Industry Has Allowed Construction Specialist Allied... -
FeaturesInsurance Industry’s Political Contributions to Democrats Spike in 2008
Political contributions to Democratic candidates in the 2008 election... -
FeaturesCEO of New Marsh Retail Agency Sees Lean, Nimble Operation
New Nationwide Entity to Target Smaller U.S.-Based Companies with... -
FeaturesSurvey: What Keeps Independent Agents Awake at Night?
Commissions, Technology, Agency Branding and Catastrophe Zones Rank... -
FeaturesHow to Control Construction Claims in a Collapsing Homebuilders’ Market
Working with Experienced Homebuilders, Rigorous Inspections and... -
FeaturesAttract and Win Social Services Business with Risk Management Strategies
How Insurance Professionals Can Be Valuable Advisors to Non-Profit... -
Growing Your Property Casualty Agency8 Ways to Jump Start Listless Agencies in Today’s Economy
These are the worst worldwide economic times in recent memory. Slow...