April 20, 2009
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Young Agents Survey/Big "I" Issue; Medical Professional Liability; Inland Marine/ Transportation/Cargo
In this Issue
FeaturesTiming Earthquake Coverage
Why Trying to Time Earthquake Coverage Purchase Is Like Trying to... -
Editor's NoteThe Weather Goblins
Who let the weather goblins out? Tornadoes, wildfires and floods, oh... -
Idea ExchangeCorporate Defaults, Bankruptcies and D&O Claims
Deteriorating economic conditions threaten a massive wave of... -
People & PlacesPeople
Mike Grushon of Thomas & Grushon Agency in Bellbrook, Ohio, has been... -
FeaturesAgents Sue Brooke Corp.
More than 80 former insurance agents for bankrupt Brooke Corp. have... -
FeaturesJudge Blocks Michigan’s Challenge to Insurers’ Use of Credit Scores
Barry County Circuit Judge James Fisher issued an injunction April 10... -
It FiguresIt Figures
480 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., based in Columbus, Ohio, on... -
FeaturesFirm Charged With Fraud in Indiana Gets Off With Fines, Fees
The owner of a Florida-based repair company accused of faking hail... -
Life-Changing Tornado "I had more insurance than I thought I did."... -
FeaturesThe Case for Confronting Fear
Study Shows Policyholders Eager to Address Economic Crisis With P/C... -
Idea ExchangeFor Award Winning CSR, Going ‘Above and Beyond’ is Part of the Job
What does it take to deliver outstanding customer service? Kimberly...
National Coverage
FeaturesThe Freedom to Grow
What Young Agents Value About Being Independent Profile of Young... -
FeaturesIndependence Through Teamwork
While the tendency is for independent agents to stress their... -
FeaturesSomali Pirates Step up Attacks; Exemption Renewal for Europe’s Insurers
Pirates have stepped up their attacks on shipping in the Gulf of Aden... -
Features50 Things Independent Agents Like LEAST
The exclusive 2009 Insurance Journal Young Agents Survey asked... -
FeaturesRates Rising on U.S. Property Catastrophe Reinsurance
A new industry briefing shows reinsurance rates continuing to... -
FeaturesRecession Affecting Both Supply and Demand for Insurance Coverage
Commercial insurance follows a boom-and-bust pricing cycle thought to... -
FeaturesSpecial Delivery: Added Value with Cargo Insurance
As Cargo Theft Rises, Carriers' Special Investigative Units Offer... -
Features101 Things Young Agents Like MOST
The exclusive 2009 Insurance Journal Young Agents Survey asked... -
FeaturesMarine Cargo Insurance for Small to Mid-Size Businesses Doesn’t Have to Sink the Ship
Importers and exporters that ship only a modest volume of goods do... -
Closing QuoteToo Big to Fail
How the Feds Can Address Systemic Risk Without Creating More... -
FeaturesOn the Road to Latin American Opportunity
As a large region with solid prospects for long-term growth, Latin... -
Minding Your BusinessRenewal Strategies in Challenging Times
In today's challenging times, retaining current agency business is... -
FeaturesFrequency Down but Severity Still a Problem for Medical Liability Insurers
Like just about any company anywhere on earth, medical liability... -
FeaturesMake the iConnection: Engage Your Future Leaders
Talent Strategies for Understanding Generation Y Employees "They all... -
FeaturesP/C Insurers Profitable in 2008 Despite Big Hits From Catastrophes, Financial Crisis
Property/casualty insurers remained profitable in 2008 despite taking... -
Features8 Ways to Improve Your Sales Timing and Your Income
Timing is everything in life and in insurance sales. Talk to a new... -
FeaturesGet in Touch with Gen Y
Why the Modern Workplace Is Important for the Next Generation of... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesFinding Solutions for Emerging E&O Risks
Excess and Surplus Lines Market Offers a Place For Challenging Risks...