September 7, 2009
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
State/Regional E&S Report; Cyberisk/Identity Theft; Top Workers' Comp Insurers
In this Issue
FeaturesSmall Businesses Confront Big Cyber Risks
Larger Firms Tend to Have More Data Security Resources The theft of... -
None Over 40 "It is pretty obvious to me and my lawyers that persons... -
FeaturesMichigan High Court to Reconsider Auto Accident Victims’ Right to Sue
The Michigan Supreme Court has set the stage for reversing a 2004... -
People & PlacesPeople
Markel Corp. has promoted Henry Lopez to president for Markel... -
It FiguresIt Figures
8,200 At least 8,200 Ohioans complained of identity theft with the... -
FeaturesRates, Claim Frequency Still Declining in Workers’ Comp; Medical Costs Rise
States Are Not Equal in Handling Worker Injuries Prices for workers'...
National Coverage
FeaturesBuyers of Home, Auto Insurance Say They’re Happy with Insurers
Most consumers of auto and homeowners insurance seem to be happy with... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesAll About Teamwork
Fostering Close Working Relationships Is a Priority for The NIA Group... -
FeaturesRed Flags, Notification Laws and Hi Tech Act – What Does It All Mean?
Data breaches have hit an all time high and with that have been a... -
FeaturesBar Association Seeks Exemption for Lawyers from Identity Theft Rule
The American Bar Association is seeking to bar the Federal Trade... -
FeaturesAt Home and Abroad, Vacated Properties Posing Greater Risks
A global recession, which has led to layoffs and a sharp drop in... -
FeaturesWildfires Wreak Havoc around the World
Australia, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, California: They've... -
Closing QuoteFive Essentials for a Successful Agency Web Site
Every insurance agency can benefit from having a Web site. Even if... -
FeaturesEvent Cancellation Insurance
Coverage For When the Show Just Can't Go On Michael Jackson's recent... -
FeaturesHuge Hacking Case Highlights Companies’ Vulnerability to Breaches
Consumers and companies are vulnerable to hackers and identity... -
FeaturesE&S Brokers Look for Rays of Light at the End of the Tunnel
Flat Economy, Persistent Soft Markets Have Forced Leaner Business... -
FeaturesTop 25 Workers’ Comp Insurers Show 36% Increase in Average Direct Premium Written
Results Based on Insurers' Growth June 30, 2009, versus June 30, 2008... -
Minding Your BusinessValue versus Price
Understanding Agency Value and the Sale Price Correlation When it... -
FeaturesDeclare Your Personal War on Time Poverty
Insurance professionals suffer from a particularly virulent form of... -
FeaturesBuyer and Agent Beware
BOP's Changes for the Better or Worse? Just when I really think I...