October 19, 2009
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Salute to Program Managers; Top Commercial Lines Agencies; Top Performing P/C Insurers: 3Q
In this Issue
Editor's NoteLetting the Courts Decide
While insurers generally see the use of credit scores as both fair... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
A.J. Gallagher, Fox Lawson Itasca, Ill.-based Arthur J. Gallagher &... -
FeaturesInsurer Interest High in Michigan Credit Score Case
The Michigan Supreme Court on Oct. 7 heard opening arguments in a... -
FeaturesAllstate Agents Petition IRS for Review of Independent Contractor Status
The National Association of Professional Allstate Agents (NAPAA) has... -
People & PlacesPeople
Michael "Mike" R. Donohoe of Mankato, Minn., was installed as vice... -
Holding Wall Street Accountable "This is part of a concerted and... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$4.5 Million The Kansas Insurance Department's Consumer Assistance...
National Coverage
FeaturesEmployers Plan Big Changes for Benefit Plans for Next Year
As employees flip through their open enrollment packets, they may... -
FeaturesCommercial Buyers Remain Winners In Current Insurance Market
Insurance markets are in a relative state of calm and commercial... -
FeaturesSome Mutual Insurers May Need Partners to Grow
The world's mutual insurance companies are well placed to continue to... -
FeaturesRecession Slows But Doesn’t Halt Brokerage Consolidation: Advisen
Size still matters, reminds a new report on the insurance brokerage... -
FeaturesCustomers Happier with Homeowners Insurers
For the first time in five years, customers are significantly happier... -
FeaturesInsurance Brokerage M&A Took a 3rd Quarter Vacation
Deal making wasn't at the top of the list of summer activities this... -
FeaturesAgencies’ Overall Growth Down But Personal Lines Up
The bad news is that overall organic growth for independent insurance...