February 7, 2011
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Main Street America - Insuring America's Small Businesses & Their Owners, Errors & Omissions, Nonprofits, Social Services & Public Entities
In this Issue
FeaturesWisconsin Governor Signs Lawsuit Reform Measure
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has signed a bill that will dramatically... -
FeaturesWisconsin Assembly Committee Sends Auto Insurance Bill to Full Chamber
A Republican-controlled Assembly committee approved a bill that would... -
FeaturesSome in Illinois GOP Want to Link Workers’ Comp Reform, State Borrowing
Illinois lawmakers left two big pieces of unfinished business when... -
FeaturesReturn-to-Work Process Helps Employees Return to Normalcy Faster
Unfortunately, many companies have workplace accidents at some point... -
FeaturesPoll: Public Opposes Crash Taxes
Three out of four adults (76 percent) believe their taxes cover the... -
People & PlacesPeople
Great American Insurance Group, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio,... -
Editor's NoteCEOs on Main Street
Elsewhere in this issue, we relate the view on Main Street from the... -
FeaturesMissouri Business Leaders Outline Agenda to Create, Keep Jobs
Tort, Workers' Comp Reform Among Legislative Proposals Business... -
FeaturesIncrease in Temporary Staffing Business Signals Economic Recovery
For many businesses, 2010 was a year of transition. Companies began... -
Not Ready for a Third "I don't think anybody is ready for this. Not... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Hylant Group, Swartzel Affiliated Ohio-based insurance brokerage,... -
FeaturesAs Small Business Shrinks, Small P/C Insurers Lose
The property/casualty small business sector - those accounts with...
National Coverage
FeaturesThe Mood On Main Street
Has the recession changed how small business feels about insurance?... -
FeaturesLemons Into Lemonade:
Making the Best of the Medical Loss Ratio Squeeze January 1, 2011... -
FeaturesIssues to Consider When Placing Professional Liability
When placing coverage for your clients, with a fair degree of... -
FeaturesHow to Become Chief Risk Officer for Small Business Clients
Some small business owners are expressing their intentions to invest... -
Features5 Steps to Protect Organizations From Cyber Liability
Because cyber crime has developed into a problem with potentially... -
FeaturesAce, WAHVE, FirstBest Win Insurance Entrepreneur Awards
When it comes to innovation in insurance, Ace Private Risk Services,... -
FeaturesWeb Exchange
IJ TV & Radio Things Ex-Risk Managers Wish They Had Known... -
FeaturesSoft Market Not Over Yet
Average renewal premiums for commercial lines property/ casualty... -
FeaturesReasons to Look Beyond Price in 2011
Just weeks into the New Year, the experts' predictions appear to be... -
FeaturesPublic Entities Forced to Adjust Sails in Fiscal Storm
State and municipal governments are facing tight budgets and many are... -
FeaturesP/C Insurers Like Some of Obama’s Plans
Property/casualty insurers found things to like in President Obama's... -
New MarketsMy New Market
Chubb Masterpiece Market Detail: Agents Access offers personal lines... -
FeaturesMain Street’s Hardest Hit Businesses
Agents across the country — except in Texas and neighboring states...