April 4, 2011
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Big "I" Issue (with Young Agents Survey), Entertainment / Sports / Special Events, Directors & Officers Liability
In this Issue
FeaturesBusiness Agenda Advancing in Missouri
Missouri's business community is well positioned, legislatively, this... -
All About Money "It's all about money; that's all it is." —John... -
FeaturesFranchisor Benefits from Unrest in Captive Insurance World
Ray Spears, Jeff Wilson, and Charles Donaldson in 2007 established... -
FeaturesHow Extensive Will the FDIC’s Claims Against Failed Banks’ Outside Professionals Be?
If a lawsuit filed on Feb. 7, 2011, in the Northern District of... -
FeaturesMichigan Catastrophic Auto Insurance Fee to Rise 1.3%
Michigan auto insurance policyholders will pay an additional $1.91... -
FeaturesNew Ohio Law Allows State to Join Surplus Line Compact
Ohio Gov. John R. Kasich signed legislation continuing Ohio's... -
Editor's NoteA Balancing Act
When it comes to health insurance reform, it seems that where you're... -
People & PlacesPeople
Ohio-based Westfield Insurance promoted Joseph C. Kohmann to group... -
FeaturesSupreme Court Makes It Easier to Sue Businesses
The Supreme Court made it easier to haul businesses into court,... -
FeaturesTeen Drivers
New restrictions on teen drivers-in-training took effect in Michigan...
National Coverage
Features2011 Second Quarter Schedule
April 6 The Perpetual Pipeline — The 4 P's of Producer Success... -
FeaturesBusiness Income: It’s Really Easy
Few insurance coverages illicit such fear or visceral reaction as... -
FeaturesPreparing for the Hurdles Ahead
Think of what happened in the neighborhood travel agency the first... -
FeaturesDespite Event Coverage Market Downturn, Experts Find Ways to Remain Competitive
The slow economy and extreme scrutiny of business frivolities has... -
FeaturesGovernment Ends Cargo Insurance Rule for Truckers
The federal government is no longer requiring that about 76,000 of... -
FeaturesGrowth of Clean Tech Industry Delivers New Exposures, Opportunities
Backed by government policy and growing public support, demand for... -
FeaturesInstructor Spotlight: David Connolly
Whether speaking before a group, putting on Webinars, or coaching... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Energy Market Detail: Victor O.Schinnerer's energy and utilities... -
FeaturesProfile of Young Agents
Older Side of Young 56.3% are 31 to 40 years old; 43.8% are 30 and... -
FeaturesReinsurance Rates May Rise with Japan Loss Estimates
Risk modeling company AIR Worldwide tightened its estimate for... -
FeaturesThe Future of the Independent Agency (Has Nothing to Do with Age)
Young Ownership Challenged by Carriers Unwilling to Hand Out... -
FeaturesTraining! Worth the Investement
How much is training worth? One Motorola study reported a $30 return... -
FeaturesValuable Papers Coverage: It’s More Important Than You Think
Unlike the rest of the restoration industry, the document recovery... -
FeaturesWeb Exchange
On Point: Working on Your Agency vs. Working in Your Agency Shirley... -
FeaturesWhy Community Associations Need Proper D&O Coverage
Board Members Today Face Common Claims from Foreclosure, Bankruptcy,... -
FeaturesWinning Team’s Fans in More Deadly Crashes Following Big, Close Games
There may be more on the line in major sporting events than many... -
FeaturesAll in the Family
Young Agents Survey Reveals Strong Family Ties Bryan Hanes grew up in...