February 20, 2012
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Agency Salary Survey; Boats & Marinas; Agribusiness / Farm & Ranch
In this Issue
FeaturesAIG $725 Million Settlement Approval Clears
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said U.S. District Court Judge... -
FeaturesCrashes Put Spotlight on Indiana Driver Licensing Policies
A series of crashes into storefronts in an Indiana community has left... -
DeclarationsMidwest Declarations
Minds of Their Own "Livestock have minds of their own." - Nebraska... -
FeaturesFirm Develops ‘Guardian Angel’ for Miners
A West Virginia company is working on a piece of equipment designed... -
FeaturesHow Workers’ Comp Is Handling Aging Workforce
The aging workforce may not have the negative impact on loss costs... -
FeaturesIndiana Stage Builder Cited in State Fair Collapse
The company that built the stage ahead of last summer's deadly... -
FeaturesInsurance Employment Grew by 5,300 Jobs, Latest Data Show
The insurance industry had 5,300 net job gains in December 2011... -
FeaturesMedia Firms Could Face Insurance Woes in 2012
U.S. communications, media, and technology (CMT) companies can expect... -
FeaturesMine Safety Chief Seeks to End Complacency Over Safety
If there's one lasting cultural change Mine Safety and Health... -
FeaturesMinnesota Gov. Dayton Vetoes Lawsuit Reform Bills
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton has vetoed four Republican-sponsored... -
FeaturesOlder Workers by State, Industry
Editor's NoteOpening Note: The Right Direction
The banks are by no means off the hook as a result of the settlement.... -
People & PlacesMidwest People
FeaturesPerpetuation. It’s Your Legacy
There are an ever-growing number of great insurance agencies. With... -
FeaturesState Farm to Hire 3,000
Illinois-based State Farm Insurance plans to hire 3,000 people across... -
Business MovesMidwest Business Moves
Arthur J. Gallagher, ProSource Financial Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.... -
Coordinating Oversight "Entering this agreement with the FTC is...
National Coverage
FeaturesAgency Compensation Expected to Rise in 2012: Ward Group
Contingent commission payouts to insurance agencies are estimated to... -
Minding Your BusinessAgency Compensation: A General Guideline With Common Sense
Personnel expenses remain the largest expense for any independent... -
FeaturesAnalyzing Agency Management Benchmarks
I have been analyzing agencies for a long time, and I believe it is... -
Closing QuoteColorado Defers Action on State-Chartered Workers’ Comp Fund
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and Pinnacol Assurance, the... -
Idea ExchangeThe Compensation Connection: Aligning Rewards with Results
The state of the labor market is changing. Unemployment rates are... -
FeaturesCompensation Freeze Comes to an End?
Agencies Report Salaries and Compensation on the Rise, Slightly It... -
FeaturesGeneral Tips for Compensation
Be creative with compensation and perquisites. Remember, most people... -
FeaturesMarina Market Tightens Up in the Wake of Catastrophe-Ridden 2011
The marina insurance market seems to be heading for some changes,... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
FeaturesThe New Normal in Producer Compensation
When it comes to producer compensation, there really is no norm.... -
FeaturesP/C Insurers’ Combined Ratio for 2011 Estimated at 107.5%
The U.S. property/casualty (P/C) industry reported its largest... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencySocial Marketing for Agencies Is Never Free
Opening a Basic Social Media Account Is Free — The Rest Isn't Most...