May 7, 2012
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
AAMGA Issue; Salute to Super Regionals; Premium Finance Directory
In this Issue
Editor's NoteWhat Do Millennials Want?
There's a lot of talk in property/casualty insurance circles these... -
FeaturesImportant Legislation
Two pieces of P/C insurance related legislation passed in Missouri in... -
FeaturesInsurance Premiums Climb to a Record $30 Billion in Missouri in 2011
Missouri experienced a number of insurance industry "firsts" in 2011,... -
FeaturesMichigan Workplace Deaths Drop Slightly
The Michigan Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation program... -
FeaturesMichigan Governor Signs Bill Making Motorcycle Helmets Optional
A decades-long fight to eliminate Michigan's helmet law roared into... -
FeaturesSales Agents, Good Talent Always Priorities in the Midwest
As in every other business sector, during the past few years... -
FeaturesTornado Cost Wichita, Kansas Area $146.3M
Sedgwick County, Kansas, officials say the tornado that hit Oaklawn... -
FeaturesCurrent Market Not Yet a ‘Classic’ Hard Market: P/C Executives
The current property/casualty market is not a "classic" hard market,... -
Features$6M Awarded in Fatal Crash
An Illinois judge has awarded more than $6 million to the family of a... -
FeaturesFireworks Suppliers Want Fast Decision on Insurance Law
Fireworks suppliers are urging a judge to quickly consider their... -
People & PlacesPeople – Midwest
Hastings Mutual Insurance Co., a property/casualty insurance carrier... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves – Midwest
NFP, Ameribonds Surety & Insurance National Financial Partners Corp.... -
DeclarationsDeclarations – Midwest
Can't Get No ... "Repair times ... increased slightly from the last...
National Coverage
Closing QuoteClipping the Wings of Fly-by-Night Contractors
Approximately one year ago, on Sunday, May 22, 2011, at about 5:30... -
FeaturesThe Language of Sales
Much of life is a sales process. At some point in every relationship,... -
FeaturesInsurance Jobs Outlook: Getting Better, Region by Region
The property/casualty insurance jobs outlook is slowly, gradually... -
FeaturesAAMGA President Chaffin Stresses Need for Perpetuation; Cites Effect of Revised Catastrophe Model on E&S Business
Relationships are important to the success of any insurance business,... -
FeaturesIs General Ledger Accounting Adequate for P/C Insurance Premium Transactions?
In current practice, insurance premium accounting is based on general... -
FeaturesNew Ventures Ready, Waiting for Market to Turn
The time appears to be right for new ventures including program... -
Features15 Trends in P/C Insurance Employment
The current P/C insurance employment picture, much like the economic... -
Features2012 Super Regional P/C Insurers™
Demotech Inc. Reveals Leading Multi-State P/C Carriers The original...