December 16, 2013
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
The Charity Issue - 10% of Net Sales Go to IICF & City of Hope; Photos of Your Organization Involved in Charity Work; Insurance Heroes
In this Issue
BlogsFinding Superior Production Talent
Finding Superior Production Talent By David Connolly President iQ...
National Coverage
Cover StoriesIICF, Sesame Workshop Team Up for Literacy
Imagine not being able to read this article, or the directions on a... -
FeaturesViewpoint: How Volunteering Changes Lives, Ours and Others’
The man is in his thirties. He has a slight build, but his calloused... -
Features‘Every Day is a Reading and Writing Day’ at a Glance
Research shows that prior to starting school, children from... -
FeaturesHow Agents and Brokers Help Communities Nationwide
IMA Big on Volunteerism In addition to giving back with volunteerism,... -
FeaturesHow Insurance Industry Associations Help Those in Need
Big 'I' Helps Grant Children's Wishes The Independent Insurance... -
Editor's NoteA Time to Give
It's that time of year again – the time of year when many consider... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyWhat’s On Your Agency’s Survival To-Do List for 2014?
It's easy to imagine that your agency will stay in business for as... -
Closing QuoteThe Case for Volunteerism: Encouraging a Charitable
Company Culture Corporate volunteer programs are not just "feel good"... -
FeaturesCommercial Lines Price Gains Slowing Down
Price gains are slowing down after commercial insurance prices... -
FeaturesA.M. Best Special Report: Homeowners Profitability Is an Ongoing Challenge
Despite the various strategies employed by companies that write the... -
FeaturesWood Gutmann & Bogart Helps Employee with Spinal Injury
The holiday giving and helping spirit was driven home recently for... -
Features10 Things to Know About Skiing & Snowboarding
The preliminary estimate of the number of U.S. skier/snowboarder... -
FeaturesU.S. Insurance Broker Sector Outlook Positive for 2014: Fitch
Revenue and earnings growth for U.S. insurance brokers in 2014 is... -
People & PlacesPeople
The Progressive Corp., based in Mayfield Village, Ohio, named Chief... -
Odor Battle "We believe it's a strong ruling that acknowledges and is... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
AmWINS Acquires Bliss & Glennon, eReinsure AmWINS Group Inc. has...