June 16, 2014
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Umbrellas - Personal & Commercial; Construction; Medical Professional Liability; Bonus: The Florida Issue (Special Supplement)
In this Issue
FeaturesMotorcycle Deaths, Injuries Spike in Minnesota
The number of motorcycle fatalities and injuries has spiked in... -
FeaturesFarmers Withdraws Climate Change Suit Against Chicago-Area Communities
Farmers Insurance Group, which filed nine class actions in May... -
FeaturesOhio Requires Seismic Monitors in New Drilling Operations
The New Policy May Be Good for Drillers and Insurers, Alike Ohio in... -
FeaturesMichigan Court Upholds Swiss Insurer’s Award against Ex-NHLer Miller
A federal judge in Michigan upheld a $1.6 million judgment against... -
FeaturesIllinois Passes Rideshare Legislation with Insurance Component
The Illinois Legislature has passed legislation that provides for... -
People & PlacesPeople – Midwest
Keystone Insurers Group named Matthew Sinosky as director of business...
National Coverage
FeaturesConstruction Renovation: Property Flips and Insurance
The number of U.S. single family home sales attributed to flipping is... -
Editor's NoteLook Beyond Salary
Many Americans who leave their jobs to improve their financial... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Why Are Umbrellas Causing E&O Claims?
When initially thinking about umbrella coverage as it relates to... -
Features‘All I Want to Do Is Sell’
If This Is Your Mantra, Your Customers Will Vanish It was an early... -
FeaturesHow Healthcare Reform Is Challenging Medical Malpractice
Though the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on medical... -
FeaturesBeware of Dwindling Excess Umbrella Limits
With verdicts, judgments and defense costs rising steadily in the... -
FeaturesWhy Customers Need Personal Umbrella Coverage More Than Ever
That we live in a litigious society is not something new; we've been... -
FeaturesMedical Professional Liability: MRM’s Kelly Tackles Emerging Risks
Medical professionals and hospitals are grappling with some of the... -
FeaturesAre You Hiring and Managing Like Your Father’s Generation?
A major complaint from agency/brokerage leaders is that recruiting... -
FeaturesTop 10 Reasons to Write Recreational Vehicle Insurance
It's summertime, and that means millions of active people are outside... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Marsh & McLennan Agency, Senn Dunn Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC has... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Powerful Confirmation "A few years ago, we wouldn't see the instant...