April 6, 2015
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Entertainment, Sports & Special Events; Alcohol & Drug Rehab; Education & Training Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesIowa High Court: Insurer not on Hook for Leak at Shopping Center
The Iowa Supreme Court has ruled that an insurance company is not on... -
FeaturesIowa Lawmakers Back Measure Protecting Cities from Sledding Claims
Lawmakers in the Iowa Senate and House have approved legislation that... -
FeaturesLawmakers Likely to Try Again to Reform Michigan’s No-Fault System
Michigan has some of the highest auto insurance rates in the country... -
FeaturesPayout of Ohio Workers’ Comp Settlement Delayed
Thousands of employers in Ohio who were overcharged for workers'... -
FeaturesSouth Dakota Bridge Wins Again; ‘Bridge 29, Trucks 0’
A low-clearance railroad bridge in Pierre, S.D., continues to win... -
People & PlacesPeople – Midwest
Insurance holding company American Financial Group Inc.,...
National Coverage
FeaturesHow the ACA, Cyber and Benefits Impact Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) led to an expansion in healthcare... -
Features10 Things to Know When Insuring Events
Event insurance provides package coverage for the sponsor of public... -
Cover StoryGoogle Takes the Wheel
When Google stepped into the insurance ring last month, the industry... -
FeaturesLloyd’s Suit, Upcoming NFL Draft Shine Light on Sports Insurance
As the 2015 National Football League draft approaches, a lawsuit... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: When Do You Want to Educate Your Clients?
Education of your agency's clients will likely happen at one point or... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
FeaturesSales & Sales Gurus
Every day I receive at least a half dozen emails from firms promising... -
Climate Prep "You're getting storms that you've never seen before;... -
Closing QuoteNew Insurance Players: Disruptors or Duds?
Those with long careers in the insurance industry have seen newer... -
Editor's NoteMore Miles, Less Cars
Driverless vehicles may reduce the number of vehicles a family needs,... -
FeaturesAIG Buys Controlling Interest in Program Manager NSM Group
American International Group Inc. has agreed to acquire a controlling... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Brown & Brown, Spain Agency Brown & Brown Inc. announced that its... -
FeaturesP/C Insurance M&As: Deal Value Up, More to Come
Merger and acquisition activity in the property/casualty industry is...