September 7, 2015
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Surplus Lines: State of the Market / NAPSLO Issue; Lloyd's Syndicate Spotlight
In this Issue
People & PlacesPeople – West
Privately owned insurance brokerage Britton Gallagher, based in... -
FeaturesOhio Licenses First Captive Insurance Company
Imprise Financial PCC Inc. is now licensed as Ohio's first "protected... -
FeaturesMichigan’s New PIP Maximum Work Loss Benefit in Effect Oct. 1
The maximum work loss benefit payable under policies of personal... -
FeaturesKansas Earthquakes Linked to Injection Wells, Geologist Says
The Kansas Geological Survey believes an increase in earthquakes in... -
FeaturesEarthquake Coverage Increasingly Expensive, Hard to Find in Missouri
Missouri is the third largest market for earthquake insurance in the... -
FeaturesMichigan’s New ‘Smart’ Roads, Vehicles to ‘Talk’
Highway officials are beginning to install sensors and cameras on...
National Coverage
FeaturesWhat to Know About Insurance Company Financial Status
I recently listened to an insurance company executive give a... -
FeaturesManagers as Employee Engagement Ambassadors
Faced with an aging workforce, a shortage of incoming talent and an... -
Minding Your BusinessDressing Up for the Wedding: Book of Business, Part 2
You can't take it with you. Every business owner will eventually... -
Editor's NoteRepeating Mistakes
Lloyd's international casualty reinsurance underwriters are running... -
FeaturesS&P: U.S. Insurers Cautious to Respond to Soaring Cyber Demand
Standard & Poor's predicts a major jump in demand for cyber insurance... -
FeaturesSurvey Examines Agents’ Views of Agency Aggregators
About a quarter of independent insurance agents say they work at a... -
Cover Story10 Drivers of Surplus Lines Growth
Times are good for surplus lines professionals. The surplus lines... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Distinguished, Fulcrum Distinguished Programs Holdings LLC announced... -
FeaturesAuto Insurance Affordability Improves in Most States: IRC
Personal auto insurance has become more affordable over time for all... -
FeaturesLloyd’s and its Syndicates 2015 – Adapting to Changing Times
If one word could describe Lloyd's of London, it would be "change."... -
Crop Insurance "The lack of insurance for malt barley is preventing... -
FeaturesThe Hard Market That Wasn’t
Are Your Carriers Positioned For What Comes Next? For the U.S.,... -
FeaturesStamping Offices Report Moderate Growth in U.S. Premium
Collectively, the 14 U.S. surplus lines stamping offices have... -
FeaturesCyber Risk Insurers Lag in Buying Cyber Cover
As recently as two years ago, only half of the top 10 carriers... -
Closing QuoteMaking Strides for Gender Equality
During IICF's 3rd Annual Women in Insurance Conference in New York,... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
FeaturesInsurers Look to Cyber, M&A Coverage as Prices Decline: Marsh
Commercial insurance rates continued their global decline in the... -
FeaturesMarketers Have Lost Control of Insurance Buying Process
After careers spent crafting and controlling their companies'... -
FeaturesMGAs Next to Feel Impact of Capital Markets: AmWINS’ DeCarlo
Now that traditional reinsurers are adjusting to the idea that...