December 7, 2015
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Program Directory, Volume II
In this Issue
FeaturesGrowth in Cyber Insurance Sustainable if Underwriting, Pricing Are Right
Given the fact that the insurance industry paid out more than $400... -
FeaturesNonfatal Worker Injuries Remained Stable in Wisconsin in 2014
Wisconsin's overall incidence rate of nonfatal occupational injuries... -
People & PlacesPeople – Midwest
State Auto Financial Corp. appointed Melissa A. Centers as senior... -
FeaturesMinnesota Bars Use of Price Optimization in Insurance Rates
Minnesota Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman has ordered insurers...
National Coverage
Features10 Things to Know About Aviation
Underwriters at Lloyd's wrote the earliest aviation insurance policy... -
FeaturesCyber Security: Insurance as an Essential Part of Risk Management
The cost and frequency of cyber-related security threats are on the... -
FeaturesToy Drones Are Serious Risk to Aircraft: Aerospace Firm
Toy drones can be dangerous and costly to the aerospace industry and... -
FeaturesCyber, Property Risks Not Easily Separated: Security Expert
The property/casualty insurance industry must change its approach to... -
Editor's NoteHealth Care Costs
Open enrollment – the time of year that many employees and... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Endurance, W. Brown Associates Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd., a... -
FeaturesYear End Agency Review
The holiday season is upon us. People are busy shopping, celebrating... -
FeaturesCognitive Distortion: Agency Sales Leaders & Producer Worth
Have you ever been guilty of saying something to someone and they... -
Closing QuoteRisks of the Game
Race cars crash sending debris into the stands. Stronger and bigger... -
FeaturesWhy Specialist Brokers Need to Become Content Marketers
If you're only an occasional consumer of marketing advice, you might... -
FeaturesEmerging Markets Serve as Growth Engines for Industry: Swiss Re
The global economy is expected to strengthen moderately next year,... -
FeaturesInsurance Company Profitability
The past 10 years has been incredibly profitable for insurance... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
FeaturesHow Programs Address Emerging Risks
Specialists in the program business segment agree – this is a good... -
FeaturesStudy Says Telematics Use Changing Drivers’ Behavior
Telematics devices offered by auto insurers appear to working to... -
Features2015 State Specialist P/C Insurers Revealed
The Demotech Company Classification System categorizes insurers into... -
FeaturesProgram Business Revenue Doubles in 5 Years
Data Management, Technology Present Future Challenges and... -
Accountable Learning "A system of no accountability is certainly not... -
FeaturesTop Cyber Threats for 2016 and Next Five Years
Businesses and organizations should expect cyber criminals to attack...