December 21, 2015
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
The Charity Issue - 10% of Net Sales Goes to IICF & City of Hope; Photos of Your Organization Involved in Charity Work; Insurance Heroes
In this Issue
FeaturesIndiana High Court Allows Negligence Claim Against Agent
Indiana's high court has confirmed a lower court's summary judgment... -
FeaturesCyber Insurance: An Evolutionary Coverage
Cyber insurance may seem all the rage now but professionals with... -
FeaturesMinnesota to Allow Chronic Pain Patients to Use Medical Marijuana
Minnesota health officials say they will allow residents with chronic... -
FeaturesSurvey: 80% of Employers Impacted by Prescription Drug Abuse
A recently released survey of Indiana employers shows that 80 percent... -
People & PlacesPeople – midwest
Missouri Insurance Director John Huff has been elected president of... -
FeaturesMedical Malpractice Claims in Wisconsin Fall to Record Low
Medical malpractice claims hit a record low last year in Wisconsin,...
National Coverage
FeaturesUpcoming NIIC Events
February 17-21 Northern Trust Open Riviera Country Club Pacific... -
FeaturesThe Top Insurance News Stories of the Year 2015
The year 2015 was a year during which the property/casualty insurance... -
FeaturesAmp Up Your Engagement Strategy with Corporate Citizenship
Today's professionals want a career where they feel like they are... -
FeaturesTop 5 Markets of 2015
There was no shortage of new products launched by the insurance... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyDon’t Treat Small Business Accounts Like Personal Lines
In the mad rush to economize on and digitize virtually every... -
FeaturesCity of Hope Research, Treatments Boosted by Insurance Industry Pocketbooks
When many people in the insurance industry think of City of Hope,... -
FeaturesUber Winning Support for Classifying Drivers as Contractors
State legislators in Ohio and Florida are moving ahead with... -
Features10 Things to Know About Seasonal Risks
Christmas accounted for the least number of vehicle thefts – 1,225... -
Editor's NoteDisruptive Change
U.S. property/casualty insurers should expect disruptive changes in a... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
FeaturesIICF Unites P/C Industry for Record Year of Giving
Charity begins at home... and in the office. The year 2015 was a... -
Closing QuoteRegulators Focused on Product Innovation, Emerging Trends
State-based insurance regulation has a 145-year history of... -
FeaturesBest, Worst States for Insurance Regulation
Vermont, Utah, Iowa, Virginia and Kentucky get an "A" and North... -
Renewable Energy "This executive order empowers our state agencies to... -
FeaturesCity of Hope Statistics
City of Hope is a cancer and diabetes research and treatment facility... -
FeaturesSoftening of P/C Commercial Markets to Continue: Fitch
U.S. commercial insurance market segments, including directors and... -
FeaturesThe Charity Issue
Gillis, Ellis & Baker Employees of Gillis, Ellis & Baker... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Associates of Glens Falls, Loomis & LaPann Associates of Glens Falls...