December 6, 2021
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
The Talent Issue; Programs Directory, Volume II
National Coverage
Editor's NoteProgram Business
Welcome to the second edition of Insurance Journal's 2021 Program... -
FeaturesInflation, Loss Severity May Curb Nonstandard Auto Market’s Positive Momentum
Players in the U.S. nonstandard auto insurance segment may find that... -
FeaturesBrokers Report Cyber Insurers Requiring Security Steps Along With Higher Premiums
Insurers are continuing to take a hard line on underwriting and... -
FeaturesLessons from Ransomware Payments by CNA, JBS and Colonial Pipeline
In March 2021, CNA Financial Corp., one of the country's largest... -
FeaturesBiggest Myths Around Cyber Insurance
Cyber attacks are continuously evolving, and companies that don't... -
Features5 Tips to Help Retain Talent During ‘The Great Resignation’
The talent war is about to get fiercer thanks to "The Great... -
FeaturesWhy Millions Have Left Workforce During Pandemic
Approximately five million people in the U.S. are unemployed or have... -
FeaturesFuture of Surety: Why the Industry Needs Knowledge Transfer and Education Now
Surety requires a highly complex and specialized form of... -
FeaturesWhere Employers Stand on Vaccines, ‘New Normal’ Workplace, Remote Work, Travel
Although more than half (57%) of U.S. employers say they require or... -
FeaturesHo Ho Homeowners Questions
A consumer contacted me via email with an interesting coverage... -
FeaturesWhat’s on Hiring Managers’ Minds as We Enter 2022?
The past two years have been steeped in turbulence, testing the... -
FeaturesWhy It’s Time to Unify the House
The insurance industry relishes mergers and acquisitions. In the... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
National Lemonade, Metromile Digital insurer Lemonade plans to... -
Questions of Facts, Forums "The circuit court fairly concluded that...