In this Issue
FeaturesGubernatorial Hopefuls in New York: Spitzer vs. Weld
New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer has made a name for himself... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note:
It wasn't very long ago that ChoicePoint was in the news because the... -
FeaturesSurvey Finds Insurers Appointing N.J. Agents in Record Numbers
Insurance companies are making new agency appointments in New Jersey... -
FeaturesProMutual Stays on Course as Medical Liability Market Starts Moving Again
Richard Brewer likens the medical liability business to a barge... -
Willis Group Holdings has appointed Vincent D. Liotta as executive... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
MASSACHUSETTS All Signs Point Down: Massachusetts auto rates will be... -
FeaturesHow to Choose the Right Bank for Your Agency
Independent agents or agency owners have unique financial needs.... -
FeaturesMost Insureds Accept Spitzer Fund Settlement, Reports Broker Marsh
Marsh & McLennan reported that about 70,000 policyholders have opted... -
Editor's NoteShush…All’s Quiet on the Privacy Front
It wasn't very long ago that ChoicePoint was in the news because the... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
Vincent Liotta Willis Group Holdings has appointed Vincent D. Liotta... -
Parting ShotsHow to Choose the Right Bank for Your Agency
Choosing an agency-focused bank is one of the most important things... -
FeaturesGubernatorial Hopefuls in New York: Spitzer vs. Weld
Part 2: Spitzer Stresses Enforcement as Key to Fair Competition New... -
FeaturesMost Insureds Accept Spitzer Fund Settlement, Reports Broker Marsh
Marsh & McLennan reported that about 70,000 policyholders have opted... -
FeaturesProMutual Stays on Course as Medical Liability Market Starts Moving Again
Richard Brewer likens the medical liability business to a barge... -
FeaturesSurvey Finds Insurers Appointing N.J. Agents in Record Numbers
Insurance companies are making new agency appointments in New Jersey... -
Massachusetts auto rates will be going down in 2006, although by how... -
The Connecticut legislature approved a bill legalizing civil unions... -
Workers' compensation carriers have filed for a slight 2.3 percent... -
The laws governing boating in New York and elsewhere are coming under... -
Departing from the traditional rule that stadium owners have only a... -
FeaturesHurricane Katrina to Cost $40-$55 Billion for Privately Insured Losses
Hurricane Katrina is expected to result in $40 to $55 billion in... -
FeaturesNew ISO Financial Institutions Program Targets Employee Theft
Insurance Services Office introduced a revised insurance policy form... -
Cover StoryHands in the Till: Embezzlers Cash in at Main Street Banks
The operations manager for a $56 million bank controlled the suspense... -
FeaturesInternational Newsbriefs
New Reports Issued on Climate Change: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyFourteen Punny Ways to Get Your Insurance Mailings Noticed
Insurance sales promotions aren't for the bashful. Agents must... -
FeaturesNational Newsbriefs
Katrina Churns in $34.4B in Losses: Hurricane Katrina is expected to... -
FeaturesReputation, Regulation and Recruitment Focus of U.K. Conference
Pulling Together" was the overall theme of the United Kingdom's... -
FeaturesBrokerage Watch
Stock Prices: Insurance brokers' stocks surged in August and... -
FeaturesIJ Publisher, Dickinson Receive NAPSLO’s Dana Roehrig Award
The National Association of Surplus Lines Offices awarded the Dana... -
FeaturesNAPSLO 2005 ANNUAL CONVENTION: Surplus Lines Industry Discusses Life After the Storm
With more than 3,200 people in attendance, the National Association... -
FeaturesRepairing Financial Infrastructure in the Gulf Coast
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, rescuers were trying to help...
National Coverage
FeaturesHurricane Katrina to Cost $40-$55 Billion for Privately Insured Losses
Hurricane Katrina is expected to result in $40 to $55 billion in... -
FeaturesIJ Publisher, Dickinson Receive NAPSLO’s Dana Roehrig Award
The National Association of Surplus Lines Offices awarded the Dana... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Industry Discusses Life After the Storm
NAPSLO 2005 ANNUAL CONVENTION: With more than 3,200 people in... -
FeaturesRepairing Financial Infrastructure in the Gulf Coast
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, rescuers were trying to help... -
Stock Prices: Insurance brokers' stocks surged in August and... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
New Reports Issued on Climate Change: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita... -
FeaturesChubb’s Contractors Equipment Express
The Chubb Group of Insurance Companies created an online system... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Katrina Churns in $34.4B in Losses: Hurricane Katrina is expected to... -
FeaturesTypes of employee fraud
The operations manager for a $56 million bank controlled the suspense... -
FeaturesReputation, Regulation and Recruitment Focus of U.K. Conference
Pulling Together" was the overall theme of the United Kingdom's... -
FeaturesFourteen Punny Ways to Get Your Insurance Mailings Noticed
Insurance sales promotions aren't for the bashful. Agents must...