In this Issue
People & PlacesPeople
Rhonda Cabrinha, vice president of Ellis Moreland Ellis Inc. in... -
FeaturesMass. Weighs Requiring Residents to Purchase Health Insurance
While some parties still cling to hope the state will reform its... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Update on Homeowners
Customers in states that have suffered major hurricanes are upset... -
FeaturesChoice-less in Massachusetts Auto Insurance
You don't have to look further than your television set to realize... -
FeaturesFeeling Helpless in Rain-Ravaged New Hampshire
New Hampshire independent insurance agent Tom Minkler got his first... -
FeaturesMid-Atlantic States Form Regional Hazard Consortium to Improve Emergency Readiness
A number of Mid-Atlantic states are forming what they are calling the... -
FeaturesCost of Litigation Haunts U.S. Corporations More Than Winning Cases
Litigation has become the great equalizer of the modern corporation.... -
FeaturesIn N.J. Bellwether Case, Trial Lawyers Closely Monitor Evidence, Tactics and Jurors
In the back rows of Courtroom 3A in Atlantic City, N.J., the... -
FeaturesN.Y. Med Mal Premiums Jump by Geography
Medical malpractice premiums for New York physicians in some... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Berkshire Insurance Group Berkshire Insurance Group Inc., a... -
FeaturesInsurers Challenge Delaware Claims History Regulation; Denn Vows to Defend in Court
Insurers are challenging a Delaware regulation that limits their... -
FeaturesConn. Moves Quickly to Toughen Truck Insurance Reporting Rules
Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell said she would sign into law a measure... -
FeaturesN.Y. Readies ‘Common Sense’ Broker Pay Disclosure
New York officials are not planning to ban contingent commission for... -
FeaturesThis Just In: Industry Conduct After Spitzer Shows Old Habits Die Hard
The multiple investigations triggered by New York Attorney General... -
FeaturesLitigation as Corporate Reality
Key Findings in the 2005 Fulbright & Jaworski 2005 Litigation Trends... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
MASSACHUSETTS Sprinkler Opposition: Dozens of Massachusetts... -
Editor's NoteUpdate on Homeowners
Customers in states that have suffered major hurricanes are upset... -
FeaturesThis Just In: Industry Conduct After Spitzer Shows Old Habits Die Hard
Blaming the Media for Industry's Poor Image Also Lives On at PLUS... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
Rhonda Cabrinha Rhonda Cabrinha, vice president of Ellis Moreland... -
FeaturesThe Price of $candal
The lawyer took a crisp $50 bill in his hand and then crushed it into... -
FeaturesGranite State Agent Wonders What It Takes to Sell Customers on Flood Coverage
Granite State Agent Wonders What It Takes to Sell Customers on Flood... -
FeaturesCost of Litigation Haunts U.S. Corporations More Than Winning Cases
Electronic Discovery and Regulatory Compliance Become Biggest Thorns... -
FeaturesLitigation as Corporate Reality
Key Findings in the 2005 Fulbright & Jaworski 2005 Litigation Trends... -
FeaturesN.Y. Med Mal Premiums Jump by Geography
Medical malpractice premiums for New York physicians in some... -
FeaturesInsurers Challenge Delaware Claims History Regulation; Denn Vows to Defend in Court
Insurers are challenging a Delaware regulation that limits their... -
FeaturesMid-Atlantic States Form Regional Hazard Consortium to Improve Emergency Readiness
A number of Mid-Atlantic states are forming what they are calling the... -
FeaturesChoice-less in Massachusetts Auto Insurance
The possibility of a slight auto insurance rate reduction next year... -
FeaturesConn. Moves Quickly to Toughen Truck Insurance Reporting Rules
Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell said she would sign into law a measure... -
FeaturesMass. Weighs Requiring Residents to Purchase Health Insurance
While some parties still cling to hope the state will reform its... -
FeaturesN.Y. Readies ‘Common Sense’ Broker Pay Disclosure
New York officials are not planning to ban contingent commission for... -
Features‘Shirt Sleeve Miners:’ Trial Lawyers Panning for Gold at Vioxx Trial
In N.J. Bellwether Case, Trial Lawyers Closely Monitor Evidence,... -
Dozens of Massachusetts restaurants and private clubs are appealing a... -
A recent report on the Connecticut economy noted that while the state... -
Jury selection began in the retrial of Rhode Island's landmark... -
A New York Appeals Court has ruled that the same sex partner of a man... -
The consumer advocacy group, New York Public Interest Research Group,... -
The first checks from the state to help high risk New Jersey doctors... -
Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell said that his state has turned... -
Maryland Insurance Commissioner Alfred W. Redmer has left his job to... -
The Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund has prevailed over a challenge... -
A Fairfax County judge who believes Virginia's drunken driving laws... -
Washington, D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams appointed Thomas Hampton as... -
FeaturesCredit-based Insurance Scoring Remains a Key Legislative, Regulatory Issue
Credit-based insurance scoring has been a contentious legislative and... -
FeaturesE&O Alert: Has Your Agency Outgrown Its Policies and Procedures?
If your agency has grown over the years, then you've probably gone... -
FeaturesNonprofit D&O Essentials: Homeowners, Condo Association Boards Beware
Americans place significant value on their residential investments.... -
FeaturesIndustry Focus: Assessing Client Risk in Health Care
While companies in every market segment will need to address their... -
FeaturesLike A Virus
Technology and Information Risk Infect Traditional Businesses... -
FeaturesDebating the Changing Climate — It’s for the Birds
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like... -
Cover StoryDisaster Claims and the Ripple Effect
Hurricane Katrina has long gone, but the aftereffects of the mighty... -
FeaturesMarketScout Barometer Shows Continued Softening in Professional Liability Market
MarketScout has analyzed the submissions from its agency network in... -
FeaturesEmployment Practices Liability: Like Fine Wine, Better With Time
Many insurance products grow better with the passage of time, as good... -
FeaturesValue Added Services Stand Out from the Pack
Most consumers buy on price and not value. True or False? The vast... -
FeaturesInternational Newsbriefs
Asian Quake Death Toll Over 50,000: The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that... -
FeaturesNational Newsbriefs
P/C Insurers Post Record Results in 2005: The U.S. property/casualty... -
FeaturesPCI Meeting Focuses on Reform of “Flawed” Regulatory System
Regulatory reform, terrorism insurance and the eventual impact of... -
FeaturesPlanning Ahead: Navigating Clients through Disasters
Most insurance agents and brokers have worked hard to build their... -
FeaturesIJ Online Exclusive: Swett & Crawford Group Gains Independence Again
Insurance Journal Publisher Mark Wells interviewed Dave Hartoch,...
National Coverage
FeaturesLike A Virus
Following the "burst" of the dot-com bubble in 2001, business... -
FeaturesPCI Meeting Focuses on Reform of “Flawed” Regulatory System
Regulatory reform, terrorism insurance and the eventual impact of... -
FeaturesPlanning Ahead: Navigating Clients through Disasters
Most insurance agents and brokers have worked hard to build their... -
D+C-R=L2 Mathematical formulas are often the simplest way to express... -
FeaturesIJ Online Exclusive: Swett & Crawford Group Gains Independence Again
Insurance Journal Publisher Mark Wells interviewed Dave Hartoch,... -
FeaturesNonprofit D&O Essentials: Homeowners, Condo Association Boards Beware
Americans place significant value on their residential investments.... -
FeaturesEmployment Practices Liability: Like Fine Wine, Better With Time
Many insurance products grow better with the passage of time, as good... -
FeaturesMarketScout Barometer Shows Continued Softening in Professional Liability Market
MarketScout has analyzed the submissions from its agency network in... -
FeaturesE&O Alert: Has Your Agency Outgrown Its Policies and Procedures?
If your agency has grown over the years, then you've probably gone... -
FeaturesCredit-based Insurance Scoring Remains a Key Legislative, Regulatory Issue
Credit-based insurance scoring has been a contentious legislative and... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Asian Quake Death Toll Over 50,000: The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that... -
FeaturesDebating the Changing Climate – It’s for the Birds
Powerful, but perhaps prophetic words, following the passage of... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
P/C Insurers Post Record Results in 2005: The U.S. property/casualty... -
FeaturesEvolution of Technology and Information
1970s Information can be stored and automated. IBM mainframes become... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
P/C Insurers Post Record Results in 2005: The U.S. property/casualty... -
FeaturesProfessional liability ripples
urricane Katrina has long gone, but the aftereffects of the mighty... -
Minding Your BusinessValue Added Services Stand Out from the Pack
For most firms, the insurance consumer will not see any major value...