In this Issue
FeaturesFBI Forms Task Force to Nab ‘Gate Cutter’ Jewelry Thieves
The FBI has formed The Gate Cutters Jewelry Task Force to partner... -
FeaturesState Commissioners Elect Maine’s Iuppa as President
Members of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners have... -
FeaturesIndustry Voices Concerns Over National Insurance Catastrophe Plan
Industry representatives generally support state regulators' efforts... -
FeaturesFederal Law Puts Brakes on Vicarious Liability for Auto Rental Firms
A New York court's $21 million award last month to a young Wall... -
People & PlacesPeople
Ohio Casualty Corporation has completed a new five-year agreement... -
FeaturesWhy Mass. Should Keep Its Current Auto System with State-Set Rates
I agree with Gov. Romney that improving road designs, dangerous... -
FeaturesTechnology Can Enhance Agent-Carrier Relations
Technology, often derided as harmful to human relations in business,... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Willis, International Insurance Brokers Willis Group Holdings... -
FeaturesSucceeding From One Agency Generation to Another
We have heard from numerous agency principals that perpetuating the... -
FeaturesAre Bloggers Journalists?
Media risk managers are closely watching the discussions recently... -
FeaturesSupreme Court Sides With Virginia Landlord in Toxic Mold Lawsuit
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Virginia renters who claimed... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Massachusetts Auto Producer Reassignments Delayed: Massachusetts... -
FeaturesJury Awards $52.5 Million Against Insurer in Asbestos Case
A jury has awarded $52.5 million to a Roseville, Minn., construction... -
FeaturesChoice of Medical Care Provider Affects Injured Worker Outcomes
The choice of medical care providers to treat injured workers by... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Flu Hope, Not Hype
Does the world seem to be careening from one crisis to another these... -
Editor's NoteFlu Hope, Not Hype
Does the world seem to be careening from one crisis to another these... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
Dan Carmichael Ohio Casualty Corporation has completed a new... -
FeaturesFederal Law Puts Brakes on Vicarious Liability for Auto Rental Firms
Recent N.Y. $21 Million Award May Be Last of Its Kind in the Nation A... -
FeaturesRole of Government, All-Perils Policy Among Sticking Points Cited by Insurers
Role of Government, All-Perils Policy Among Sticking Points Cited by... -
Parting ShotsSucceeding From One Agency Generation to Another
We have heard from numerous agency principals that perpetuating the... -
FeaturesFBI Forms Task Force to Nab ‘Gate Cutter’ Jewelry Thieves
The FBI has formed The Gate Cutters Jewelry Task Force to partner... -
FeaturesJury Awards $52.5 Million Against Insurer in Asbestos Case
A jury has awarded $52.5 million to a Roseville, Minn., construction... -
FeaturesState Commissioners Elect Maine’s Iuppa as President
Members of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners have... -
FeaturesSupreme Court Sides With Virginia Landlord in Toxic Mold Lawsuit
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Virginia renters who claimed... -
FeaturesTechnology Can Enhance Agent-Carrier Relations
Technology, often derided as harmful to human relations in business,... -
FeaturesAre Bloggers Journalists?
Inquiring Media Risk Managers Want to Know Media risk managers are... -
FeaturesCosts Lower When Employers Choose, Says Study that Included Mass., Pa. Systems
Costs Lower When Employers Choose, Says Study that Included Mass.,... -
FeaturesWhy Mass. Should Keep Its Current Auto System with State-Set Rates
The State's Independent Agents Explain Why They Oppose a Switch to... -
Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner Julianne Bowler has asked that a... -
The state's second largest commercial insurer of coastal properties... -
A jury has awarded $36.5 million to the family of a 6-year-old boy... -
A Waterbury, Conn., jury has awarded $32.1 million to a Bristol... -
A group of landlords has gone to court to ask a judge to strike down... -
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey wants a jury's decision... -
The Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau, has... -
The Pennsylvania state Senate has voted to restore the "Fair Share... -
Roman Catholic Church officials in Pennsylvania say a proposal that... -
Maryland's second-highest court has reversed a $3 million jury... -
How governments can best prevent, prepare and respond to mass... -
FeaturesA Katrina Diary: On the Road to Recovery
One Man's Perspective on Hurricane Katrina's Destruction A co-worker... -
FeaturesHurricane Katrina Leads to Large Number of Claims, Frustration
While Hurricane Katrina spent only a couple of days menacing the Gulf... -
FeaturesUpdate from the Gulf Coast: A Policyholder’s Perspective
Which Came First: the Chicken, the Egg or the Hurricane? While... -
FeaturesLloyd’s Hurricane Losses Top $ 5 Billion
In an updated statement, Lloyd's acknowledged that it now estimates... -
FeaturesNational Newsbriefs
House Passes Terrorism Insurance Bill: Legislation that will extend... -
FeaturesAlternative Products Changing P/C Landscape
"Convergence products," or alternative insurance products such as... -
FeaturesTomorrow’s Insurance Products Are Being Developed Today
Hurricanes, Capital, Agents and Technology Feed the Product Process... -
FeaturesTurn Routine Office Documents into Moneymaking Tools
Before you get too comfortable, take a second. Slide out of your... -
FeaturesHistoric Hurricane Year Puts the Spotlight on Federal Flood Insurance
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita affected the Gulf Coast as some of the... -
FeaturesInsurers Urged to Assess Climate Change Risks
State treasurers and controllers from around the country are urging... -
Cover StoryIndependent Agents Feel Hurricane Katrina’s Full Force
Residents in many areas of the Gulf Coast watched their lives change...
National Coverage
News BriefsNews Briefs
House Passes Terrorism Insurance Bill: Legislation that will extend... -
FeaturesUpdate from the Gulf Coast: A Policyholder’s Perspective Which Came First: the Chicken, the Egg
While debates wax and wane in newspaper headlines, the harsh reality... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Tomorrow's Insurance Products Are Being Developed Today Hurricanes,... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyTurn Routine Office Documents into Moneymaking Tools
Before you get too comfortable, take a second. Slide out of your... -
FeaturesBy Dave Thomas
Residents in many areas of the Gulf Coast watched their lives change... -
FeaturesHistoric Hurricane Year Puts the Spotlight on Federal Flood Insurance
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita affected the Gulf Coast as some of the... -
FeaturesA Katrina Diary: On the Road to Recovery
A co-worker and I journeyed to the Gulf Coast region to document the...