In this Issue
FeaturesEarthquakes, floods and wildfires … oh my!
"First and foremost, have some sort of plan. It doesn't have to be a... -
FeaturesHarness the power of seminars
Are you an insurance agent, or are you an insurance educator? If you... -
FeaturesNot all Oil & Gas programs are created equal
What do Dodge Neon, Mazda Miata and Lexus 430 have in common?... -
FeaturesFederal Bureau of Investigation targeting insurance fraud
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been accumulating insurance... -
CurrentsWith eye on federal monies, more states adopting primary seat belt laws
Seventeen-year-old Brittney Hudson wasn't wearing her seat belt when... -
CurrentsInsurers back in court over World Trade Center
Insurance companies asked a federal appeals court in New York earlier... -
CurrentsFew homeowners buy flood insurance when not required, RAND study says
Only about half of homeowners living in some of the most flood-prone... -
CurrentsBerkshire’s Buffett still high on insurance despite catastrophe risk
Warren E. Buffett, the billionaire chairman of giant Berkshire... -
FeaturesLegislators hear insurance industry’s resounding voice after the storm
Sound, up-to-date and successful building codes are essential for... -
FeaturesRingmaster Richard enters the Lloyd’s lion’s den
In an announcement that surprised no one in London's tight knit... -
FeaturesIs your agency’s newsletter a snooze-letter?
If your agency sends out a newsletter, take a moment, sit back and... -
Speaking at the World Insurance Forum in Bermuda, Hemant Shah, Risk... -
US Airways cannot collect insurance for post-9/11 business losses... -
Cover StoryWashington SMART-ens Up: Effects of reform on the surplus lines industry
With the eyes of Congress turning to insurance reform, most... -
Editor's NoteMeetings of the mind
Insurance professionals probably spend more time in more meetings... -
FeaturesWhat brokers need to watch for in Oil & Gas coverage
There are common problems that may arise in the provision of coverage... -
CurrentsCitizens Financial banks on ‘not your typical’ insurance agency sale
Not Your Typical Bank," the slogan used by Citizens Financial Group... -
FeaturesFor Oil & Gas operators, contracts and coverages go hand in hand
When discussing insurance coverages for the Oil and Gas operator the... -
FeaturesSolve the multi-state surplus tax problem now
The proper allocation and remittance of surplus lines premium taxes... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Lloyd's of London has selected an insurance outsider, Richard Ward,... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Community Banks Nuts & Bolts: OneBeacon Insurance, working with... -
CurrentsWind vs. flood Katrina lawsuit sent back to state court
The Mississippi lawsuit to force insurance companies to pay for... -
Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Diane Koken announced she will... -
CurrentsAtlantic Mutual ratings fall as surplus drops $100 million
Ratings analysts who downgraded personal lines insurer Atlantic... -
Insurers for three former lead paint manufacturers are seeking to... -
CurrentsCitizens not banking on insurance
Using June 30, 2005 figures from bank holding companies, Michael... -
CurrentsCatching up with region’s insurance politics
In the Northeastern and Atlantic states, elected politicians are in...
National Coverage
FeaturesUS Airways can’t collect for 9/11 disruption, court rules
US Airways cannot collect insurance for post-9/11 business losses... -
FeaturesWith eye on federal monies, more states adopting primary seat belt laws
Seventeen-year-old Brittney Hudson wasn't wearing her seat belt when... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Surplus Lines
With the eyes of Congress turning to insurance reform, most... -
FeaturesNational Council of Insurance Legislators
Panelists agreed unanimously that uniform statewide building codes... -
FeaturesInsurers back in court over World Trade Center
Insurance companies asked a federal appeals court in New York earlier... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Berkshire's Buffett still high on insurance despite catastrophe risk... -
FeaturesRMS CEO sees bigger catastrophe losses
Speaking at the World Insurance Forum in Bermuda, Hemant Shah, Risk... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Surplus Lines
Earthquakes, floods and wildfires oh my! Solid disaster recovery plan... -
FeaturesLloyd’s Market
Lloyd's Chairman Lord Levene with newly-appointed Chief Executive... -
FeaturesNational Association of Insurance Commissioners
The Antifraud Task Force cited the need for a uniform database that... -
FeaturesBy W. Randolph Zator
Not all Oil & Gas programs are created equal The American market has... -
FeaturesClient Education
Are you an insurance agent, or are you an insurance educator? If you... -
FeaturesFew homeowners buy flood insurance when not required, RAND study says
News Currents Only about half of homeowners living in some of the... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyGrowing Your Property Casualty Agency
The top functions of an agency newsletter are to keep in touch with...