July 24, 2006
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
2006 Excess, Surplus and Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. I
In this Issue
FeaturesMass. Fair Plan plays catch-up on reinsurance, rates
The biggest increases are in store for coastal Cape Cod, where the... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Virginia targets dogs, underage drinking Owners of dangerous dogs... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
HRH, Thilman & Filippini Insurance broker Hilb Rogal & Hobbs Co.... -
FeaturesN.Y., N.J. agents fight DMV inserts
The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. has been... -
FeaturesBoston’s Big Dig tragedy expected to trigger new wave of litigation
When the family of Milena Del Valle, who was killed when part of the... -
Closing QuoteN.J. auto restrictions: a troubling turn
You don't need to conduct any kind of sophisticated market research... -
FeaturesFlooding in Pennsylvania destroys 518 homes
The floodwaters that inundated parts of Pennsylvania last month... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
News Currents While states adopt seat belts laws, 29 still balk at... -
It FiguresFigures
80 Attorneys for Pennsylvania-based Sheetz convenience stores and... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Social Service Program Nuts & Bolts: London American Risk... -
Return for credit "But we will be back." Delaware Insurance... -
FeaturesNews Currents
Maryland tends to alcohol training Groups offering state-mandated... -
People The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (Big... -
FeaturesN.Y. blasts ‘anemic’ workers’ comp anti-fraud efforts
New York officials have denied a requested 7.5 percent hike in... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Much ado about little
Profit sharing is here to stay and compensation disclosure, if any,... -
FeaturesN.Y. lawmakers disappoint on property insurer; avoid workers’ comp reform
The New York State Legislature's most recent session will be... -
FeaturesStates may scrap full collateral requirements for ‘alien’ reinsurers
The change may make it easier, more attractive for non-U.S. based... -
FeaturesKeeping afloat with flood insurance resources
FloodSmart.gov provides easy way for agents to stay up-to-date on... -
FeaturesStrong earnings keep insurers’ stock prices stable; M&A activity remains flat
Stock Prices: Insurers' stock prices remained relatively stable... -
FeaturesGetting your commercial producers to prospect
Some producers never seek out fresh prospects. Instead, their... -
FeaturesInsurance and the World Trade Organization negotiations
The Doha Round at the World Trade Organization has been a serious... -
CurrentsAgency compensation reflects organic growth, profitability and retention
With fewer large books of business changing hands recently, insurance... -
CurrentsStock option timing scandal to be felt in D&O insurance
If investors think they're safe from the scandal involving the... -
CurrentsBig ‘I’ exec tells agents federal charter is a ‘recipe for disaster’
If a mandatory or even an optional Federal Charter is implemented in... -
Swiss Re, the world's biggest reinsurer since it completed the... -
A New Jersey jury found in favor of Merck & Co. Inc. earlier this... -
CurrentsU.S. property/casualty industry posts record 1Q profits
The U.S. property/casualty industry's net gain on underwriting rose... -
FeaturesPreemptive plans crucial to protect art and collectibles
With the start of hurricane season, AXA Art Insurance issued a... -
FeaturesLost … but then found somewhere in Florida
In a May 2006 news release, AXA Art Insurance announced it was... -
Editor's NoteMuch ado about little
Profit sharing is here to stay and compensation disclosure, if any,... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (Big 'I') has... -
CurrentsFlooding in Pennsylvania destroys 518 homes
The floodwaters that inundated parts of Pennsylvania last month... -
CurrentsMaryland tends to alcohol training
Groups offering state-mandated alcohol-awareness training to... -
CurrentsBoston’s Big Dig tragedy expected to trigger new wave of litigation
When the family of Milena Del Valle, who was killed when part of the... -
CurrentsN.Y. blasts ‘anemic’ workers’ comp anti-fraud efforts
New York officials have denied a requested 7.5 percent hike in... -
FeaturesN.J. auto restrictions: a troubling turn
You don't need to conduct any kind of sophisticated market research... -
CurrentsN.Y. lawmakers disappoint on property insurer; avoid workers’ comp reform
The New York State Legislature's most recent session will be... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Social Service Program Nuts & Bolts: London American Risk... -
The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. has been... -
CurrentsWhile states adopt seat belts laws, 29 still balk at motorcycle helmets
In Illinois and Iowa, motorists can get tickets for not wearing seat... -
CurrentsMass. Fair Plan plays catch-up on reinsurance, rates
Last summer when the Massachusetts Fair Plan, the state's involuntary... -
Owners of dangerous dogs face tougher penalties and adults who serve... -
CurrentsIt Figures
80 Attorneys for Pennsylvania-based Sheetz convenience stores and...
National Coverage
FeaturesKeeping afloat with flood insurance resources
For more than 35 years, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)... -
FeaturesLost … but then found somewhere in Florida
In a May 2006 news release, AXA Art Insurance announced it was... -
FeaturesAgency compensation reflects organic growth, profitability and retention
With fewer large books of business changing hands recently, insurance... -
FeaturesSwiss Re announces first GE layoffs
Swiss Re, the world's biggest reinsurer since it completed the... -
FeaturesMerck Wins New Jersey Vioxx Case
A New Jersey jury found in favor of Merck & Co. Inc. earlier this... -
FeaturesKATRINA threatened to paint a dark picture for fine art insurer
Christiane Fischer, CEO of AXA Art Insurance, was in Chicago when... -
FeaturesBig ‘I’ exec tells agents federal charter is a ‘recipe for disaster’
If a mandatory or even an optional Federal Charter is implemented in... -
FeaturesInsurance and the World Trade Organization negotiations
The Doha Round at the World Trade Organization has been a serious... -
FeaturesStock option timing scandal to be felt in D&O insurance
Already, insurers are asking businesses questions about whether they... -
FeaturesStates may scrap full collateral requirements for ‘alien’ reinsurers
In an abrupt departure from procedures that have been in place since... -
Carrier WatchStrong earnings keep insurers’ stock prices stable; M&A activity remains flat
Stock Prices: Insurers' stock prices remained relatively stable... -
FeaturesU.S. property/casualty industry posts record 1Q profits
News Currents The U.S. property/casualty industry's net gain on... -
FeaturesPreemptive plans crucial to protect art and collectibles
With the start of hurricane season, AXA Art Insurance issued a... -
FeaturesGetting your commercial producers to prospect
Some producers never seek out fresh prospects. Instead, their...