November 20, 2006
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Blue Northeast Gains Clout: Region\'s pols move into insurance committ
In this Issue
FeaturesLame duck Romney team pushes ahead with high risk plan change
Opponents of the ARP have urged Bowler to leave the decision of what... -
It FiguresFigures
21 The number of health insurers fined by the New York State... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Merchants Group Inc. in Buffalo, N.Y., which sells property casualty... -
Closing QuotePower shift in the political landscape
With Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, we'll likely see... -
Closing QuotePower shift in the political landscape
With Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, we'll likely see... -
Fraud RoundupPhilly: 35 charged in fraud sting; 1 in ring
Nearly three dozen people face fraud charges after federal... -
FeaturesBy Adam Friedlander
Some brokers have taken steps to protect themselves, asking clients... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Dollar daze
Politicians know how to spend money even when there may be little... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
N.Y. agents protest reported incidents as 'red flags' for rating New... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Election results give Northeast more clout on insurance issues After... -
People & PlacesPeople
Greg Thompson, president and chief executive officer of Thomco, is... -
New MarketsNew Markets
New Markets Nuts & Bolts: Philadelphia Insurance Cos. has launched... -
FeaturesLaptop stolen from broker has Villanova University insured student driver data
A laptop computer stolen from an insurance brokerage firm contained... -
FeaturesWith new governors could come new commissioners in Mass., Md., N.Y.
Newly elected Democratic governors in Massachusetts, New York and... -
Declarations Darrell West, a political science professor at Brown... -
45 CONGRESSIONAL CLOUT U.S. Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania is... -
TOC10 N.Y. agents protest incidents as red flags
Should mere incidents affect pricing? 10 Laptop stolen from broker... -
FeaturesConn. high court rules liability waiver doesn’t immunize negligent employer
Requiring a worker to sign a liability waiver does not give blanket... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Surplus Lines
The insurance industry's excess and surplus lines (E&S) sector has... -
H.R. 5637, the Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act, would: -- Give... -
FeaturesTruckers seek to slow big-rigs by proposing max speed on truck
A lobbying group for the largest U.S. trucking companies is seeking a... -
FeaturesOne in five truck drivers reports falling asleep at the wheel
When a tractor-trailer overturned on a Maryland road, it spilled... -
FeaturesTop 10 trucking concerns
So what keeps truckers awake at night? The American Transportation... -
More than one in four Americans say their financial information or... -
CurrentsCommercial premiums, except coastal property, continue to fall
Commercial insurance premiums fell slightly in the third quarter of... -
CurrentsEmployee crime is big threat to small companies
More than one in three (36 percent) private companies, many of which... -
CurrentsImproving efficiency and valuation through automation and outsourcing
Revenue growth, the quality of a book of business, the caliber of... -
CurrentsCommercial lines prices up 7%; carriers reap benefits of higher renewals
Stock Prices: Commercial lines stock prices were up 7 percent through... -
CurrentsAttract high-end sales with personal insurance shoppers
The future of personal lines is about picking sides. Today's average... -
CurrentsWhere are all the young guns?
Look around you. Take a long look at the folks in your agency or... -
CurrentsDemocratic Congress OK for industry traditionally tied to Republicans
The new Congress may be blue on Capitol Hill, but insiders say that's... -
FeaturesNot your father’s wholesaler
When it comes to today's excess and surplus lines brokers, retail... -
FeaturesThe globalization of corporate responsibility
European PLUS D&O conference panelists say D&O claims and the demand... -
Editor's NoteDollar daze
Democrats may be celebrating the results but money was the clear... -
CurrentsPower shift in the political landscape
Although it took a little time for all the votes to be counted, the... -
CurrentsLaptop stolen from broker has Villanova
A laptop computer stolen from an insurance brokerage firm contained... -
CurrentsN.Y. agents protest reported incidents as ‘red flags’ for rating
New York agents want insurers to stop and think before penalizing... -
CurrentsPhilly: 35 charged in fraud sting; 1 in ring
Nearly three dozen people face fraud charges after federal... -
Economic windfall "It could be an economic windfall for the entire... -
CurrentsIt Figures
21 The number of health insurers fined by the New York State... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Greg Thompson, president and chief executive officer of Thomco, is... -
CurrentsNews Currents
Newly elected Democratic governors in Massachusetts, New York and... -
CurrentsElection results give Northeast more clout on insurance issues
After the midterm elections, Northeast Democrats are moving into... -
CurrentsConn. high court rules liability waiver
Requiring a worker to sign a liability waiver does not give blanket... -
CurrentsLame duck Romney team pushes ahead with high risk plan change
Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner Julianne Bowler said she intends... -
CurrentsN.Y. workers’ comp trusts: rising prices and broker concerns
N.Y. workers' comp trusts: rising prices and broker concerns The... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Employed Lawyers Protection Nuts & Bolts: Philadelphia Insurance Cos....
National Coverage
News CurrentsNews Currents
Employee crime is big threat to small companies More than one in... -
Carrier WatchCommercial lines prices up 7%; carriers reap benefits of higher renewals
Stock Prices: Commercial lines stock prices were up 7 percent through... -
FeaturesThe globalization of corporate responsibility
Nortel Networks - $2.4 billion settlement; Royal Ahold - $1.1 billion... -
FeaturesDemocratic Congress OK for industry traditionally tied to Republicans
News Currents The new Congress may be blue on Capitol Hill, but... -
FeaturesCommercial premiums, except coastal property, continue to fall
Commercial insurance premiums fell slightly in the third quarter of... -
FeaturesThe Locomotive That Drive the Insurance Train
The insurance industry's excess and surplus lines (E&S) sector has... -
Features1 in 4 in U.S. sayfinancial, personal information stolen
More than one in four Americans say their financial information or... -
FeaturesImproving efficiency and valuation through automation and outsourcing
Revenue growth, the quality of a book of business, the caliber of... -
FeaturesNot your father’s wholesaler
Much is said about retail agents having to change with the times and... -
FeaturesWhere are all the young guns?
Look around you. Take a long look at the folks in your agency or... -
FeaturesTruckers seek to slow big-rigs by proposing max speed on truck
A lobbying group for the largest U.S. trucking companies is seeking a... -
FeaturesOne in five truck drivers reports falling asleep at the wheel
When a tractor-trailer overturned on a Maryland road, it spilled... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyAttract high-end sales with personal insurance shoppers
The future of personal lines is about picking sides. Today's average...