January 8, 2007
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Contractors/Subcontractors; Employment Practices Liability Insurance; 2007 Meetings & Conventions Directory
In this Issue
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Commerce Group, SWICO Enterprises, State-Wide Insurance The Commerce... -
FeaturesN.H. private school says insurer didn’t do flood insurance homework; sues for buildings’ damages
St. Paul's School in Concord, N.H. has filed a lawsuit accusing its... -
FeaturesFormer R.I. Gov. Sundlun and Lloyd’s at odds
The London insurance market Lloyd's has sued former Rhode Island Gov.... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Bi-cycling
What a difference a year makes. The U.S. property/casualty industry... -
People & PlacesPeople
Zurich Financial Services Group has appointed Maine Insurance... -
One New York "Every policy, every action, every decision we make in... -
Closing QuoteInsurance priorities for the U.S. Senate
Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., is the incoming chairman of the Senate... -
It FiguresFigures
0.9% The workers' compensation voluntary loss cost decrease approved... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Conn. Gov. Rell to replace Cogswell as insurance commissioner... -
TOC8 N.H. private school sues insurer over flood policy
Travelers claims buildings were in flood zone 8 Lloyd's and former... -
Editor's NoteBi-cycling
What a difference a year makes. The U.S. property/casualty industry... -
CurrentsPrivate equity market increasingly bullish on insurance and E&S
Historically, the insurance sector has not been high on the list of... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Zurich Financial Services Group has appointed Maine Insurance... -
Closing QuoteInsurance priorities for the U.S. Senate
Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., is the incoming chairman of the Senate... -
CurrentsConn. Gov. Rell to replace Cogswell as insurance commissioner
Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell has accepted the resignation of... -
CurrentsFormer R.I. Gov. Sundlun and Lloyd’s at odds
The London insurance market Lloyd's has sued former Rhode Island Gov.... -
CurrentsN.H. private school says insurer didn’t do flood insurance homework; sues for buildings’ damages
St. Paul's School in Concord, N.H. has filed a lawsuit accusing its... -
It FiguresDeclarations
One New York "Every policy, every action, every decision we make in... -
It FiguresIt Figures
0.9% The workers' compensation voluntary loss cost decrease approved... -
FeaturesMaking the case for small/mid-size business EPLI
A client's financial well-being -- and an agent's own E&O -- dictate... -
FeaturesAttributes of an excellent and lasting EPLI program
In this soft market, opportunities are once again strong for... -
Cover StoryBlueprint for Contractors Liability: Building the case for contractors … and underwriters
For a contractor -- and his insurance agent -- surveying the general... -
CurrentsAJG resolves federal class action case
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. has agreed to resolve all claims in the... -
CurrentsChubb ends contingent commissions
The Chubb Corp. entered into a settlement agreement with the... -
CurrentsN.Y., Conn., Ill. AGs bring another suit, this time against Acordia
The attorneys general of Connecticut, Illinois and New York continued... -
FeaturesSubcontractor default insurance
Performance bonds or SDI: how they work and what's the difference The... -
FeaturesContractors not buying into professional liability
Ames & Gough survey finds as many as 50% of contractors not covered... -
Minding Your BusinessWhen all else fails, do something different
An old "Seinfeld" episode portends George Costanza fed up with his... -
CurrentsBOPping in on employment practices liability insurance
It's the ogre hiding under the bridge. And a hungry ogre at that. The... -
CurrentsDrunk driving death rates decline in 23 states
Drunken-driving deaths declined slightly across the nation in 2005,... -
Currents13 states file briefs against credit scoring
Delaware Commissioner of Insurance Matt Denn has taken arguments... -
CurrentsDespite Katrina lessons, Congress keeps extending flood insurance
The federal flood insurance program may be going broke after... -
CurrentsAbsence of hurricane losses proves beneficial to insurers’ bottomline
P/C industry posts $24.4 billion net gain on underwriting in first...
National Coverage
News CurrentsNews Currents
Despite Katrina lessons, Congress keeps extending flood insurance The... -
FeaturesN.Y., Conn., Ill. AGs bring another suit, this time against Acordia
News Currents The attorneys general of Connecticut, Illinois and New... -
FeaturesMaking the case for small/mid-size business EPLI
We can assume that today's litigious employment environment makes it... -
FeaturesBOPping in on employment practices liability insurance
It's the ogre hiding under the bridge. And a hungry ogre at that. The... -
FeaturesAJG resolves federal class action case
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. has agreed to resolve all claims in the... -
FeaturesAbsence of hurricane losses proves beneficial to insurers’ bottomline
News Currents Driven by a sharp decline in catastrophe losses from... -
Features13 states file briefs against credit scoring
Delaware Commissioner of Insurance Matt Denn has taken arguments... -
FeaturesAttributes of an excellent and lasting EPLI program
In this soft market, opportunities are once again strong for... -
FeaturesIndustry meetings in 2007 … beyond insurance
While the insurance industry probably holds more meetings than just... -
FeaturesDrunk driving death rates decline in 23 states
Drunken-driving deaths declined slightly across the nation in 2005,... -
FeaturesUnderwriters Evaluation of Risk – From Most to the Least
FeaturesContractors not buying into professional liability Ames & Gough survey finds as many as 50% of contractors not covered
Contractors, project owners, and project finance professionals are... -
FeaturesChubb ends contingent commissions
The Chubb Corp. entered into a settlement agreement with the... -
Minding Your BusinessWhen all else fails, do something different
An old "Seinfeld" episode portends George Costanza fed up with his...