March 12, 2007
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
2007 Agency Salary Survey; Agency Technology/Public Entities; Agribusiness/Farm & Ranch
In this Issue
FeaturesMass. health insurers agree on $175 a month plan under new law
The average uninsured Massachusetts resident could obtain health care... -
FeaturesN.Y. City, other U.S. centers need federal terrorism insurance to compete globally, says Supt. Dinallo
News Currents A continuing federal role in terrorism insurance is... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Wedding Insurance Nuts & Bolts: Travelers recently announced the... -
News CurrentsJob, education underwriting factors under scrutiny in N.J.
New Jersey drivers could see a return to high prices and fewer... -
Delay tactic "I am fully aware that the costs of complying with Real... -
TOC10 Job, education rating factors under scrutiny in New Jersey
Industry warns lawmakers against restricting use of criteria 10 Mass.... -
FeaturesPlaintiffs: Md. court reinstatement of class action a breakthrough
A potentially far-reaching ruling by the Maryland Court of Appeals... -
It FiguresFigures
5% The Virginia sales tax from which items used to prepare for a... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Bonus round
Last November, then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer notified... -
People & PlacesPeople
Markel Insurance Co. named Thomas K. "Smitty" Smith as vice president... -
Closing QuoteKeep alive the dialogue and the 7 standards of ethical conduct
The CPCU Society and American Institute for CPCU/Insurance Institute... -
FeaturesBeacon Mutual gets R.I. audit
Rhode Island officials have completed their audit of Beacon Mutual... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Conn. AG probes insurer, agency relationship Connecticut Attorney... -
FeaturesKey New York workers compensation reform proposals
Key elements of the proposed reform package as released by Gov.... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Hub, Apax, Morgan Stanley Hub International Limited, which got its... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
N.Y. Gov. Spitzer, labor, business reach workers' comp reform accord... -
FeaturesMayor Bloomberg joins call for TRIEA renewal
In urging renewal of the federal terrorism reinsurance program, New... -
Editor's NoteBonus round
Last November, then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer notified... -
CurrentsJob, education underwriting factors under scrutiny in N.J.
New Jersey drivers could see a return to high prices and fewer... -
CurrentsMass. health insurers agree on $175 a month plan under new law
The average uninsured Massachusetts resident could obtain health care... -
CurrentsPlaintiffs: Md. court reinstatement of class action a breakthrough
A potentially far-reaching ruling by the Maryland Court of Appeals... -
Delay tactic "I am fully aware that the costs of complying with Real... -
It FiguresIt Figures
5% The Virginia sales tax from which items used to prepare for a... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Markel Insurance Co. named Thomas K. "Smitty" Smith as vice president... -
CurrentsBeacon Mutual gets R.I. audit
Rhode Island officials have completed their audit of Beacon Mutual... -
CurrentsConn. AG probes insurer, agency relationship
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has issued subpoenas... -
In urging renewal of the federal terrorism reinsurance program, New... -
CurrentsN.Y. City, other U.S. centers need federal terrorism insurance to compete globally, says Supt. Dinallo
A continuing federal role in terrorism insurance is important so that... -
CurrentsKey New York workers compensation reform proposals
Key elements of the proposed reform package as released by Gov.... -
CurrentsN.Y. Gov. Spitzer, labor, business reach workers’ comp reform accord
But workers' comp insurers are nervous that cost savings promised by... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Wedding Insurance Nuts & Bolts: Travelers recently announced the... -
Closing QuoteKeep alive the dialogue and the 7 standards of ethical conduct
The CPCU Society and American Institute for CPCU/Insurance Institute... -
FeaturesThe impact of contingent commissions on independent agencies
How much do independent agencies rely on contingency income and could... -
Cover StoryInsurance Journal’s Exclusive Agency Salary Survey
More independent insurance agencies gave salary increases in 2006... -
CurrentsProspecting in the 21st Century: Using the Internet to find prospects
Former agent and technology guru provides tips on working the Web... -
CurrentsIndustry gears up for more federal terrorism insurance debates
Advocates say the coverage still vital to national security and a... -
CurrentsMore than half of adults could be in need of disability coverage
Most Americans are not prepared to deal with the possibility of... -
FeaturesCoverage or price? Package or mono-line?
Weighing the options on purchasing public officials' and educators'... -
Fairfax, Va.-based Public Entity Risk Institute (PERI), a nonprofit... -
Minding Your BusinessCompensation for employee benefits staff should mirror commercial lines
In our travels as consultants to the insurance industry, we have... -
FeaturesWhere can the agricultural producer turn for economic relief?
Winter storms force farmers and ranchers to take a close look at how... -
CurrentsCaribbean nations establish joint disaster insurance pool
Caribbean countries joined by outside donors and international and... -
Fitch Ratings says it does not believe that individual (re)insurers'... -
CurrentsNumber of catastrophe-related laws enacted rose significantly in 2006
State lawmakers ready to exceed or outpace last year's total Enacted... -
CurrentsMexican trucks to travel deeper into U.S. roadways
Safety advocates say move will endanger motorists and could threaten... -
CurrentsA.M. Best likes what it sees in property/casualty personal lines segment
Rating and industry analysts at A.M. Best are maintaining their... -
FeaturesWhat lies ahead for agency compensation? Agents could benefit from incentive pay plans replacing contigent income
Incentive pay plans for agents that some insurers are implementing to... -
CurrentsInsurance exec: China offers lessons in globalization for U.S. and world
C.V. Starr's Greenberg on China's economic revolution and making the...
National Coverage
FeaturesInsurance Journal’s Exclusive 2006 Agency Salary Survey
More independent insurance agencies gave salary increases in 2006... -
FeaturesCaribbean nations establish joint disaster insurance pool
Caribbean countries joined by outside donors and international and... -
FeaturesThe impact of contingent commissions on independent agencies
Debate continues in the insurance industry regarding the future of... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
A.M. Best likes what it sees in property/casualty personal lines... -
FeaturesMore than half of adults could be in need of disability coverage
Most Americans are not prepared to deal with the possibility of... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Risk management a higher priority for government entities Fairfax,... -
News CurrentsNumber of catastrophe-related laws enacted rose significantly in 2006
Enacted catastrophe-related laws increased dramatically in the states... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Mexican trucks to travel deeper into U.S. roadways Safety advocates... -
Cover StoriesCoverage or price? Package or mono-line?
It's an age-old insurance question, whether talking property,... -
FeaturesWhat lies ahead for agency compensation?
Incentive pay plans for agents that some insurers are implementing to... -
FeaturesIndustry gears up for more federal terrorism insurance debates
News Currents Insurance industry advocates urged Congress yet again... -
FeaturesWhere can the agricultural producer turn for economic relief?
In the wake of the devastating January 2007 agricultural events,... -
FeaturesInsurance exec: China offers lessons in globalization for U.S. and world
I am not going to talk about regulation, not yet. I will soon but it... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Agency Technology
Technology expert Steve Anderson of The Anderson Network Inc., a... -
FeaturesFitch looks at effects of reinsurance proposal
Fitch Ratings says it does not believe that individual (re)insurers'... -
Minding Your BusinessMinding Your Business
In our travels as consultants to the insurance industry, we have...