May 7, 2007
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Salute to Managing General Agents/AAMGA Issue; Medical/Health Care Professional Liability; Group Products for P&C Agents/Benefits Brokerage Directory
In this Issue
New MarketsMy New Markets
Outdoor Recreation and Hospitality Nuts & Bolts: The Great Outdoors... -
FeaturesN.Y. Senate confirms Dinallo as insurance superintendent
The New York State Senate has confirmed Governor Eliot Spitzer's... -
FeaturesN.Y. City puts foot down on pedicabs
New York City's hordes of unregulated bicycle taxis will have to meet... -
FeaturesSullivan confirmed as Conn. commissioner
The Connecticut House of Representatives has confirmed the nomination... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Dog daze: pet food case raises product recall, 'special' property... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Biron Agency Jane Biron Siviski has reactivated her former exclusive... -
Declarations N.J. exit "I realize there are a lot of pressing issues... -
People & PlacesPeople
Steve Taylor has been promoted to regional sales director for... -
FeaturesN.H. weighs seat belt savings vs. freedom
When New Hampshire House lawmakers recently passed a seat belt bill,... -
It FiguresFigures
250 The number of federal emergency management officials in Rhode... -
FeaturesNeighbors seek to drain N.Y. City’s waterreservoirs to stem future flooding
Ten lawmakers want to drain off some of the reservoirs holding New... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Mass. ruling revives possibility of auto assigned risk plan Whether... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Study questions insurance cost effect on Pa. doctor supply... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: It’s time, really
It will take the collective clout and leadership of agents everywhere... -
TOC10 Mass. ruling revives possibility of auto assigned risk plan
Commissioner Burnes surprises industry by keeping issue alive... -
Editor's NoteIt’s time, really
Agents have the future of the agency system at their fingertips,... -
Ten lawmakers want to drain off some of the reservoirs holding New... -
CurrentsMass. ruling revives possibility of auto assigned risk plan
Whether Massachusetts will implement an assigned risk plan for its... -
CurrentsN.H. weighs seat belt savings vs. freedom
When New Hampshire House lawmakers recently passed a seat belt bill,... -
CurrentsN.Y. City puts foot down on pedicabs
New York City's hordes of unregulated bicycle taxis will have to meet... -
CurrentsStudy questions insurance cost effect on Pa. doctor supply
Spiraling-malpractice insurance costs appeared to have little effect... -
N.J. exit "I realize there are a lot of pressing issues in the state,... -
It FiguresIt Figures
250 The number of federal emergency management officials in Rhode... -
CurrentsDog daze: pet food case raises product recall, ‘special’ property claims
The tragedy could even lead to some new coverage opportunities for... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Steve Taylor has been promoted to regional sales director for... -
CurrentsSullivan confirmed as Conn. commissioner
The Connecticut House of Representatives has confirmed the nomination... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Outdoor Recreation and Hospitality Nuts & Bolts: The Great Outdoors... -
Closing QuoteCongress should consider “guiding principles” for TRIEA
The Coalition to Insure Against Terrorism (CIAT) and the American... -
Cover StoryClimate Change: The potential insurance costs and what’s being done
Estimating the potential costs of future weather related events,... -
CurrentsGAO report welcomed
The GAO's report, commissioned by the Senate Committee for Homeland... -
FeaturesCatching up on climate change
What insurers in U.S. and worldwide are doing to address the effects... -
CurrentsCommercial property/casualty premiums drop, underwriting relaxes, 1st quarter survey finds
Commercial property/casualty premiums for all sizes of accounts... -
CurrentsKey subcommittee chairman favors six to eight-year terrorism insurance extension
Insurance industry pushes for longer period with some in favor of 20... -
FeaturesAssisted living and miscellaneous medical facilities spur new growth
Rise in numbers of surgicenters, medispas and clinics brings new... -
FeaturesMedical professional liability underwriters face new environment
Expect new exposures as practitioners replace physicians as... -
Idea ExchangeCommercial insurers’ stock trades down in first quarter; M&As slow as well
Stock Prices: Commercial line insurers' stocks traded down 2 percent... -
CurrentsAnother report details property/casualty insurers’ 2006 profitability, escape from storms
Warns falling prices mean profits are at, or are steadily,... -
Idea ExchangeAgents tell it best — Do what you love and the rest will follow
Tales of lessons learned about marketing and customer relationships... -
Minding Your BusinessExecutive risk exposures producers should know
Every day, corporate executives are expected to make the perfect... -
CurrentsStudy: Obese workers drive up workers’ compensation costs
Gaining too much weight can be as bad for an employer's bottom line... -
FeaturesThinking outside of the box
MGAs deliver more than just specialty packages as they prepare for...
National Coverage
FeaturesCommercial property/casualty premiums drop, underwriting relaxes, 1st quarter survey finds
Commercial property/casualty premiums for all sizes of accounts... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Key subcommittee chairman favors six to eight-year terrorism... -
FeaturesAssisted living and miscellaneous medical facilities spur new growth
An aging population and a demand for new and unique medical services... -
FeaturesWeather Report
Estimating the potential costs of future weather related events,... -
FeaturesThinking outside of the box
No one knows just how many managing general agencies (MGAs) operate... -
FeaturesCatching up on climate change
Recent mega-catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Another report details property/casualty insurers' 2006... -
FeaturesMedical professional liability underwriters face new environment
An ever-expanding health care and quasi-health care services... -
FeaturesCommercial insurers’ stock trades down in first quarter; M&As slow as well
Stock Prices: Commercial line insurers' stocks traded down 2 percent... -
FeaturesAgents tell it best – Do what you love and the rest will follow
As a national specialty provider of collector vehicle and... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Study: Obese workers drive up workers' compensation costs Gaining too... -
Minding Your BusinessMinding Your Business
Executive risk exposures producers should know Every day, corporate... -
Minding Your BusinessExecutive risk exposures producers should know
The true insurance professional will understand that there exists a...