January 28, 2008
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
2008 Excess, Surplus and Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. I
In this Issue
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesFEMA Redraws D.C. Flood Maps
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is redrawing flood zone maps... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$6.5 Billion Amount U.S. property casualty insurers are expected to... -
FeaturesReal ID Federal Drivers License Still Real Problem for Some States
State officials and some in Congress remain skeptical about new... -
FeaturesN.J. Eases Investment Rules for Carriers
Garden State lawmakers recently approved rules that give insurance... -
FeaturesAIG to Pay $42.5M to Cleanup Pollution Left by Bankrupt Insured
American International Specialty Lines Insurance Co. Inc. (AISLIC)... -
FeaturesStates Look to Curb Text Messaging Drivers; Could GPS Users Be Next?
Text messaging is all the rage. Hopefully, not a road rage. An... -
Please Call "Those of you that don't write in Massachusetts, please... -
FeaturesN.Y. to Issue New Rules for Brokers’ Commission Disclosure
New York insurance brokers may soon be required to reveal much more... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Lighthouse Underwriters, Cooley and Darling Cooley and Darling... -
FeaturesN.Y. Insurance Fraud Arrests Are Up
Investigations by New York's insurance frauds bureau led to over 700... -
FeaturesR.I. Beacon Mutual Whistleblower Moves On
Rhode Island Gov. Don Carcieri has named Sandra Powell as interim... -
FeaturesMore Atlantic Hurricane Activity Doesn’t Mean More Landfall Risk
New research on the link between the formation of hurricanes in the... -
People & PlacesPeople
Swett & Crawford appointed Meredith Dyson as senior vice president.... -
Closing QuoteCrisis Plan Must Work at Moment’s Notice
The best crisis plan in the world is useless if it sits on a shelf. A... -
Editor's NoteABCs
The insurance industry is a "C" student industry; the "A" and "B"...
National Coverage
FeaturesExecutives See Only Moderate Growth for P/C Industry in 2008
Property casualty insurance insiders predicted 2008 will be a year of... -
FeaturesSupreme Court Limits Investors’ Securities Lawsuits in Stoneridge Ruling
In a decision sought by corporate America to stem the tide of... -
FeaturesTo Thrive and Survive
E&S brokers seek new ways to grow, prosper in today's changing market... -
FeaturesRegulators Address the Politics of Underwriting
There is an X-factor in setting insurance rates that even actuaries... -
FeaturesEuropean Risk Managers, Industry Face New and Not so New Challenges
FERMA conference highlights growing importance of risk management in... -
Carrier WatchCommercial Insurers’ Stocks Flat in 2007; M&As Heat Up
Stock Prices: Commercial lines insurers' stocks have been relatively... -
FeaturesISO: Insurers to Pay $6.5 Billion in 2007 Catastrophe Claims
U.S. property/casualty insurers are expected to pay homeowners and... -
FeaturesAgents Mind Your Es & Os
As insurance companies face larger, more frequent catastrophe losses,... -
FeaturesSetting and Tracking Goals for Agency Producers
Every inexperienced agent and seasoned producer is hired with some... -
FeaturesDespite Woes, Biggest Insurance Brokers Still Make the Grade
Fitch reports leaner and more transparent brokers are better equipped... -
FeaturesConsumer Group Claims Insurers Overcharge, Underpay Policyholders
Insurers defend recent years' profits, deny allegations and call... -
FeaturesLloyd’s Defends Insurers Against ‘Spoilsport’ Image
An increasingly common complaint against the insurance industry...