March 24, 2008
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Salute to Independent Agents; Errors & Omissions; Energy/Oil & Gas
In this Issue
Closing QuoteAgents: Document, Document, Document
When I sold my agency in 2001, I moved to Florida and started buying... -
FeaturesN.Y. Insurance Chief Dinallo Keeps Putting Out Fires
A hard-charging former prosecutor tries to set Wall Street right from... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Palisades, National Atlantic A subsidiary of Palisades Safety and... -
FeaturesAAA Study Pegs Cost of U.S. Traffic Crashes at $1,051 Per Person
Traffic crashes cost American motorists more than $160 billion a year... -
FeaturesCar Crash Deaths Increase Starting at Age 12, Study Finds
Child passengers, ages 12 to 16, are more likely to die in a car... -
FeaturesVermont Supreme Court: Workers’ Comp Benefit Doesn’t Bar Damage Suit
The Vermont Supreme Court has reinstated the negligence claim of a... -
FeaturesStudy: Massachusetts Workers Comp Claims Costs Grew Rapidly
Workers' compensation costs per claim in Massachusetts were typical... -
FeaturesMass. Agents Find Out What Their Auto Customers are Thinking
As Massachusetts independent agents enter a new era in auto... -
FeaturesWhen it Comes to Insurance Cycles, Mutuals and Stocks Behave Differently
Difference is tied to how mutual insurers build market share, says... -
People & PlacesPeople
Kenneth A. Bowles as been named the 2008 PIA National Professional... -
FeaturesDinallo Says N.Y. Needs Better Workers Comp Data
New York State should centralize its workers' compensation data in an... -
FeaturesN.Y. City Targets Elevator Slumlords
New York City officials want safer and more reliable elevators - and... -
FeaturesVt. Workers’ Comp Rates Drop
Most Vermont employers for the second straight year will see lower... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$2.2 Million Estimated value of the Vermont home, Florida condo and... -
FeaturesN.Y. Agents Applaud Insurance Fines Defeat
Significant fine increases for violating New York insurance law —... -
FeaturesMass. Drivers Can Opt Out of Current Policies
Bay State drivers have started shopping around for better rates on... -
FeaturesEmployee Charges Connecticut DMV Fails Its Own Driver-Training Standards; State Promises Review
An agent for Connecticut's Department of Motor Vehicles has accused... -
FeaturesNew Yorkers to Get Flood Notices Every Year
New York lawmakers have decided once is not enough — at least when... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
Editor's NoteGolden Opportunity
There is a small contingent of independent insurance agents who... -
FeaturesThe Long and Short of the New Mass. Auto System
The new managed care auto insurance system that is underway in... -
FeaturesHow to Get a Powerful Person to Listen to New Ideas
Confident bosses turn deaf ear to new ideas when they are feeling the... -
Something's Fishy "It certainly has had some effect." —Jud Reis,...
National Coverage
FeaturesAmerica’s Golden Agents … Long-time Agents Have no Regrets, Many Rewards
Not many independent insurance agents can claim the title of a Golden... -
FeaturesClimate Change No. 1 in Top 10 Risks Facing the Insurance Industry
Potential climate change is the greatest strategic risk currently... -
FeaturesS&P: U.S. Workers’ Comp Insurers Face Weakening Rates
The U.S. workers' compensation insurance business is not for the... -
FeaturesAmerica’s Young Insurance Agents: Love and Optimism in the Workplace
"I wanted a job I could love," says 29-year-old Meghan McGarry. She... -
FeaturesInsurance Helps Fuel Energy Alternatives
Insurers introduce policies that protect fast-growing renewable... -
FeaturesTime For Independent Agents to Go Global
Businesses are reaching for the golden global ring — are... -
FeaturesHow to Discourage Commercial Insureds From Shopping Their Account
Virtually every business owner or manager considers shopping their... -
Features101 Things Independent Agents Like MOST
The exclusive 2008 Insurance Journal Survey of Young Agents asked... -
FeaturesCongress Examines Municipal Bond Ratings, Bond Insurance Industry
The fast-spreading U.S. mortgage crisis prompted lawmakers this month... -
Features50 Things Independent Agents Like LEAST
The exclusive 2008 Insurance Journal Survey of Young Agents asked... -
FeaturesReasonable Expectations for Agents’ E&O
The public views insurance agents and brokers as professionals,... -
FeaturesClimate Change Under World Spotlight
Swiss Re's latest sigma study on natural catastrophes and man-made... -
FeaturesU.S. Senate Approves Legislation Targeting Consumer Product Safety
A bill to crack down on dangerous consumer products was approved by... -
FeaturesOil and Gas Extraction Market Holds Solid Potential
While the oil and gas market can be seen as including pipeline and...