September 1, 2008
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Salute to Surplus Lines Brokers/NAPSLO; London Report; Top Workers' Comp Writers
In this Issue
FeaturesSmall Businesses in U.S. Lose 7% of Revenues to Fraud
U.S. organizations lose an estimated 7 percent of their annual... -
FeaturesFormer New Jersey Mayor Gets 21 Months for Insurance Fraud Scheme
Former Passaic, New Jersey Mayor Samuel Rivera has been sentenced to... -
FeaturesBig Jump In Health Coverage in Mass.
Massachusetts is experiencing a big jump in health insurance and a... -
FeaturesNew York Freezes Malpractice Rates While Hoping for Reforms
New York Governor David A. Paterson has signed legislation freezing... -
Editor's NoteThe Little Things
Like much else in life, when it comes to catastrophes, it's the... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$14.5 Million Value of insurance policy covering Chinese Olympic... -
Naked on Wall Street "You always find out who's been swimming naked... -
Features3 Democrats Vie in Sept. 9 Primary for Delaware Insurance Commissioner Post
One of the three Democrats vying for the party's nomination for the... -
FeaturesGas Prices Drive N.Y. Rate Decreases
One of New York state's largest auto insurers, GEICO, agreed to drop... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Aon, Benfield Chicago-based Aon Corp. is acquiring UK-based broker... -
FeaturesLiberty Mutual Sues New York over Workers’ Comp Law Changes
Boston-based insurer Liberty Mutual Holding Co. has filed a federal... -
FeaturesN.Y. Toughens Penalties for Bribing Crane Inspectors, Falsifying Reports
New York Governor David Paterson has signed into law new criminal and... -
People & PlacesPeople
Swiss Re appointed Walter A. Bell chairman of Swiss Re America... -
FeaturesN.Y. Requires Showing of Prejudice Before Insurers Disclaim for Late Notice
New York has enacted a bill requiring a showing of prejudice before... -
FeaturesConn. High Court: Smoking Lowers Workers’ Comp Benefits
Smoking kills. And in Connecticut, it also changes the apportionment... -
FeaturesAIG CEO Says He Will ‘Take a Scalpel’ to Reshape Giant Insurer
American International Group's Chief Executive Robert Willumstad will...
National Coverage
FeaturesU.S. Commercial Lines Outlook Revised To Negative From Stable
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services revised its outlook on the U.S.... -
FeaturesU.S. Doctors Say Lawsuits Help Guarantee Drug Safety
Doctors who run one of the most influential U.S. medical journals are... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesLloyd’s in the 21st Century
The Modernization of Lloyd's and the London Market Any institution... -
FeaturesLessons in Globalizing an Insurance Brand
Chubb: Understand Local Culture and Rely on Local Staff When Abroad... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: Top 25 Workers’ Compensation Companies
Workers' compensation direct premiums written (DPW) for calendar year... -
FeaturesU.S. Insurers’ Exposure to Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Deemed Manageable
The U.S. insurance industry's exposure to securities issued by Fannie... -
FeaturesLabor Department Reports Fewer Workers Killed on Job in 2007
The number of workers killed on the job annually dropped to an... -
FeaturesWhat’s All the Fuss About?
With the Soft Market Here Again, the E&S Market Must Get Back to Its... -
FeaturesBrokers’ Stocks Up Slightly for the Year; Banks Active in Brokerage M&As
Stock Prices: The brokerage sector as a whole is up 2 percent for the... -
FeaturesA Winning Culture
Lots of companies claim to have a great working environment, but when... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Results Remain Strong, Despite Heightened Competition
Brokerage M&As Expected to Continue for the Near Term; Time's Almost... -
FeaturesThe Complete Condo Package, Part 2
How to Fit the Right Pieces Together for an Association or Unit... -
Minding Your BusinessBusiness Planning in a Snap!
How to Create a Fast, Effective One-Page Agency Plan The fall is a... -
FeaturesFeds Charge 11 in Biggest-Ever Identity Theft Case
Authorities in Boston have cracked what is believed to be the largest... -
FeaturesWholesaler Value is a Story That Needs to Be Told
Soft Market or Not, Stay Focused on Providing Superior Service, Value...