October 6, 2008
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Salute to Program Managers; Cyberisk/Identity Theft; Risk Retention Group Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesMore to Come in Busy Atlantic Hurricane Season
The 10 tropical storms and hurricanes that ripped through the... -
FeaturesN.J. Scraps Rebuilding Fee
Homeowners in New Jersey won't have to pay the state an extra fee to... -
Spitzer's Folly "When (Eliot Spitzer) was attorney general he was on... -
FeaturesConnecticut Docs Unhappy
A new survey shows that nearly one in three doctors in Connecticut... -
FeaturesLiberty Mutual Protests S&P’s Downgrade to ‘A-‘ after Safeco Close
Boston-based Liberty Mutual Group is not pleased with Standard &... -
People & PlacesPeople
National insurance program administrator Venture Insurance Programs... -
FeaturesSome See Spitzer Role in AIG Crisis
Spitzer forced Greenberg out of the company he built over nearly 40... -
Closing QuoteCrane Safety Guidelines Needed
In March 2008 a construction crane collapsed into a neighborhood bar... -
It FiguresIt Figures
238 Number of people charged with driving under the influence since... -
FeaturesNew York to Oversee AIG Sales; Regulate Credit Swaps as Insurance
New York State Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo, who heads a... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Liberty Mutual, Safeco Boston-based Liberty Mutual Group finalized... -
FeaturesLawmaker Calls for AIG Internal Documents
Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight... -
FeaturesPraise for N.Y. Insurance Chief Dinallo
New York officials helped giant insurer American International Group... -
Editor's NoteHank You Very Much
These are historic times. The country and the world are learning the...
National Coverage
FeaturesU.S. P/C Insurers’ Net Income Falls More Than 50% in First Half 2008
The U.S. property/casualty industry's net income after taxes fell... -
FeaturesCracking Under Pressure
The Chips Fall: Agents, Customers, Competitors Pick Up the Pieces... -
FeaturesLessons Learned from the AIG Crisis
Insurance Journal's exclusive "AIG in Crisis Survey" asked... -
FeaturesState Regulators Blast Federal Regulation Advocates Over AIG
State insurance commissioners have lashed out at members of Congress... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesCongress Extends National Flood Insurance Plan Until Next March
The U.S. Senate approved legislation to extend the National Flood... -
FeaturesIt Pays To Specialize
How Program Managers Beat the Commodity Trend and Soft Market Despite... -
FeaturesCompetitors Offer to Fill the Gaps
There have been some subtle and not-so-subtle moves by competitors in... -
FeaturesID Theft Insurance: Oasis or Mirage?
Is It Worth Recommending to Valued Agency Clients? A client concerned... -
Minding Your BusinessTechnology: A Brave New World
Agents Must Expand Their Technology Horizon to Exploit the 'Value... -
FeaturesTeamwork in Your Agency: Lip Service or Reality?
Now's the Time to Gauge the Health and Effectiveness of Your Agency... -
FeaturesLurking Cyber Risks
Agents Can Become a Trusted Expert for Unaware Businesses A... -
FeaturesFor Agents, Their Carriers’ Claims Service is Top Performance Measure
Independent insurance agents want their property/casualty insurance... -
FeaturesTo Tax or Not to Tax – Battling Coalitions Dispute Bermuda ‘Loophole’
Claims Managers 'Don't Like Ike' as Losses from the Hurricane Pile Up... -
FeaturesAIG: Picking at the Pieces
Speculation Abounds as AIG Readies to Sell Off Assets For the moment,... -
FeaturesFractured Loyalty: Customer Versus Company
A producer's response to request to move AIG business could depend on...