November 3, 2008
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Focus on Professional Liability/PLUS; Habitational/Dwellings; Agents' E&O Survey
In this Issue
Closing QuoteReputational Risk … at Risk
Corporate Citizenship Could Offer Tarnished Companies the Best... -
FeaturesARM Correction
In the Aug. 4, 2008 issue of Insurance Journal, an article titled... -
FeaturesNew York AG Confirms AIG Pay Freeze
Troubled insurer American International Group Inc. will freeze... -
FeaturesNew York Insurance Chief Seeks Contract Certainty for Large Policies
New York officials are putting pressure on insurers and brokers to... -
FeaturesMass. Surviving Bumps in the Auto Insurance Road
Burnes Rules Out Permitting Insurers to Use Credit Scores; Goes Slow... -
FeaturesHigher Gas Prices Drive Down Auto Rates, Drive Up Politics Over Regulation in New York
In New York, there exists a curious relationship between gas prices... -
Undue Influences "(W)e drink the Kool-Aid." —Moody's Chief... -
People & PlacesPeople
Tonya I. Sylvester has been named a sales executive at Rogers & Gray... -
FeaturesMass. Agents Contribute $1.9B to the State’s Economy
As employers, taxpayers, consumers and charitable contributors,... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Arthur J. Gallagher, Fuller & O'Brien Insurance brokerage firm Arthur... -
FeaturesRisk Managers Urges Others to Adopt Contract Certainty
It did not take long for risk managers to applaud the move toward... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$205 Million The amount the state of Vermont has finally received in... -
FeaturesMass. Drivers Slow to Shop Under New Auto System
Barely six months into Massachusetts' new deregulated auto insurance... -
FeaturesTwo New York Agencies Named Top Performers
Reagan Consulting and the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of... -
Editor's NoteOpportunity Management
As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, a quarter of... -
FeaturesMaryland’s Treatment of Injured Workers Graded About Average Compared to 9 States
When employers pay more for medical care for injured workers, workers...
National Coverage
FeaturesAIG Crisis Highlights the Need for Insurance Professionalism
Are You an Insurance Professional or an Insurance Hack? Editor's... -
FeaturesGlobal Crisis Dominates A.M. Best’s London Conference
Execs Say Market Remains Attractive Even as Crisis Puts Pressure on... -
FeaturesAgents Joe and Jo on AIG and E&O
The federal government's recent bail out of American International... -
FeaturesRisk Managers Report Price Softening; Insurers Battle Surplus Decline
Property Premiums Fall Sharply; P/C Insurers Post Q3 Losses; Some... -
FeaturesMore Lawsuits, Firmer Prices on the Horizon for Executive Liability
Property Premiums Fall Sharply; P/C Insurers Post Q3 Losses; Some... -
Carrier WatchCommercial P/C Insurers’ Stocks Down 14%; M&A Activity at Historic Highs
Stock Prices: The turbulent stock market is not sparing commercial... -
FeaturesConning Research: Challenges, Threats Loom for Homeowners Insurance Market
The five-year period spanning from 2003-2007 served the homeowners... -
FeaturesThe Battle to Preserve Agency/Broker Value
As economic stagnation and current rate pressure weakens performance... -
FeaturesIncreased Vulnerability of Executive Suite Makes D&O a Critical Coverage
Public, Private and Non-Profits Cannot Afford To Be Without... -
FeaturesYoung Brit IPODs are Broke Says a CII Report
ING picks up a $13 billion cash injection; Climate change for fund... -
FeaturesLocal Governments Increase Homeowners Loss
Personal Lines Ordinance or Law Exposures Within 10 years of... -
FeaturesA Winning E&O Defensive Strategy
How Agents Block Claims In sports, the best offense is a great... -
FeaturesIndustry Gives Back to Biomedical Research and Treatment Institute
Sullivan Group's Chairman Leads Fundraising Campaign for City of Hope... -
FeaturesQuality Counts!
How to Keep Problems From Turning Into Claims We have all had... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesProperty/Casualty Insurers on Government Rescue Funds: No Thanks
Following reports that the U.S Treasury is considering adding life,... -
FeaturesMore E&O Coverage for a Reasonable Price Suits the Average ‘Joe and Jo’
Joe the "insurance agent" wants a reasonably priced errors and... -
FeaturesHow Independent Agencies Reduce E&O Exposure
40 Risk Management Steps Independent Agents Implemented to Lower... -
FeaturesSEC Reports Big Jump in Enforcement Actions
The Securities and Exchange Commission said that the second-highest... -
Features2008 Insurance Journal Agency E&O Survey at a Glance
The 2008 Insurance Journal Agency E&O Survey, conducted Oct. 3... -
FeaturesLetter to the Editor: Employers Can Help to Increase Professionalism
I read Christopher J. Boggs' commentary, "AIG Crisis Highlights the... -
FeaturesWhy Agents Choose Other Markets Rather Than Their Preferred Markets
While independent agents have their favorite carriers for certain...