November 17, 2008
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Contractors & Builders; Nonprofits/Social Services/ Public Entities; Top Personal Lines Retail Agencies
In this Issue
FeaturesN.Y. Court Upholds Illegal Alien’s Workers’ Compensation Claim
A New York State appeals court has upheld workers' compensation... -
FeaturesStates Made History in November Election, Too
Barack Obama wasn't the only one to make history Nov. 4 when he was... -
People & PlacesPeople
Gregory Habay, a New York-based reinsurance broker, has joined... -
FeaturesFather of Patriots QB Brady Sued in Insurance Agency Case
A Massachusetts man has filed a federal lawsuit against the father of... -
Closing QuoteMemo to Insurance Producers: Get Ready to Produce More in 2009
Although the economy is in serious trouble, nothing has changed. You... -
Editor's NoteThe ‘P’ Word
Passion is not a word we hear very often in the insurance industry.... -
FeaturesConnecticut Insurance Broker Filled GOP Slot as Honorary Candidate
A Bristol, Connecticut insurance broker agreed to run as the... -
FeaturesDemocrat Weldin Stewart Elected Delaware Commissioner
Democrat Karen Weldin Stewart, who has experience working with... -
FeaturesFrom Condos to Coastal Property: The State of Maryland’s P/C Market
In the 15 months since his appointment as Maryland's top insurance... -
FeaturesHow Valuing Diversity Can Boost Sales
Federal and state laws make discrimination in the workplace illegal... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Warfield-Dorsey, HMS Insurance Two long-time Baltimore area insurance... -
FeaturesAgencies Shopping for Lowest E&O Rates Could Be Adding to Their Risk
No Agency Is Worth Sacrificing for the Cost of a Cafe Latte Each Day... -
FeaturesConstruction Industry Says N.Y. City Crane Rules Go Too Far
It takes a lot of paper to raise a crane in New York City these days.... -
Case Dismissed "I once again apologize for my actions, and for the... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$13.5 Million Amount awarded by a Massachusetts jury to the family of... -
FeaturesStates Rate Poorly on Consumer Insurance Information on Web
A national consumer group says state insurance departments vary in...
National Coverage
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesWhen It Comes to Crane Safety, It’s Not Safety First but Safety Always
Recognize Challenges, Develop a Plan and Start an Effective Crane... -
FeaturesGreen Building: New Benefits for Society and New Challenges for Risk Management
As society becomes more environmentally conscious, as energy prices... -
FeaturesSensible Success
Focusing on One Industry Has Allowed Construction Specialist Allied... -
FeaturesInsurance Industry’s Political Contributions to Democrats Spike in 2008
Political contributions to Democratic candidates in the 2008 election... -
FeaturesCEO of New Marsh Retail Agency Sees Lean, Nimble Operation
New Nationwide Entity to Target Smaller U.S.-Based Companies with... -
FeaturesSurvey: What Keeps Independent Agents Awake at Night?
Commissions, Technology, Agency Branding and Catastrophe Zones Rank... -
FeaturesHow to Control Construction Claims in a Collapsing Homebuilders’ Market
Working with Experienced Homebuilders, Rigorous Inspections and... -
FeaturesAttract and Win Social Services Business with Risk Management Strategies
How Insurance Professionals Can Be Valuable Advisors to Non-Profit... -
Growing Your Property Casualty Agency8 Ways to Jump Start Listless Agencies in Today’s Economy
These are the worst worldwide economic times in recent memory. Slow...