October 4, 2010
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Surplus Lines: State of the Market NAPSLO Issue; Lloyds Syndicate Spotlight; Risk Retention Group Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesBusiness Moves
Markel, Hiscox Insurer Markel has acquired the rights to American... -
People & PlacesPeople
The Hartford has appointed Lisa Morgan as senior vice president of... -
FeaturesSuit Settled over Shock Therapy Use at Massachusetts School
The family of a former Massachusetts student who received electric... -
FeaturesMaryland Court Upholds State Cap on Lawsuit Payouts
Maryland's highest court has upheld a state law that limits the... -
FeaturesStronger Economic Times Add to Recruitment Challenges
People are a company's greatest asset. Yet finding the right people... -
FeaturesNew York Insurance Exchange Plan Hinges on Industry Support
Shifting Political Winds, $25 Million Price Tag Create Hurdles New... -
FeaturesJudge Refuses to Dismiss Securities Fraud Lawsuit Against AIG
A judge has refused to dismiss a securities fraud lawsuit accusing... -
Phantom Oversight "We need to uncover the true extent of what the FDA... -
FeaturesNew Jersey Lawmakers Advance Bill Hiking Cell Phone Fines for Drivers
New Jersey lawmakers have advanced a bill that would impose heftier... -
FeaturesSlip and Fall Cases: What Businesses Need to Know to Minimize the Damages
It's a scenario that plays out in countless grocery stores,... -
FeaturesSettlement Reached in Maryland Bridge Crash Lawsuit
Attorneys have reached a settlement in a lawsuit over a fatal crash... -
FeaturesIt Figures
$72.5 Million Class-action settlement paid by The Hartford over... -
FeaturesDebate Heats Up Over Coastal Homeowners
Although hurricane seasons ends in November, the storm over coastal...
National Coverage
FeaturesClock is Ticking on Surplus Lines Tax Reform
With Less Than a Year to Go, Can States Agree on Tax Sharing Plan?... -
FeaturesA Wonderful Life
McQueary Henry Bowles Troy Soars High With Faith, Texas Values and... -
FeaturesWhat’s In the NRRA?
Reporting, Payment, and Allocation of Premium Taxes: Only the home... -
FeaturesCaptive Audience Marketing in a Social Marketing World
Capture Your Prospect's Attention for More Than a Nanosecond Social... -
FeaturesHouse Joins Senate in Extending Flood Insurance for 1 Year
The U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives have both approved a... -
FeaturesAnother Gusher to Cap
New Taxes, Regulations and Red Tape Threaten Future of Small Business... -
FeaturesSpecialty Products Manufacturing: Multiple Opportunities for Injury
How Agents Can Help Clients Be Better Prepared and Mitigate Damages... -
Features6 Characteristics of the Best Agencies Today
Sales Focus, Employee Appreciation, Compensation and Planning All Key... -
FeaturesTop 25 Carriers’ Second Quarter Results Show Improvement in 2010 Versus Second Quarter 2009
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Without continual growth and progress,... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Premiums Down in 2009; But Brokers Say Market is Stabilizing
The surplus lines industry continues to experience a decline in... -
FeaturesNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
Features16 Brokers to Use New Single-Entry Commercial Lines Insurance Exchange
Sixteen insurance brokerage firms have agreed to be the first to use... -
FeaturesSyndicates – The Heart of the Market
Catlin, and Other Lloyd's Syndicates As underwriters, syndicates are...