April 18, 2011
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Agency Salary Survey, Medical Professional Liability, Business Interruption / Business Income, Education & Training Directory
National Coverage
Idea ExchangeAgents Concerned on Perpetuation; Relatively Few Take Action
The majority of agents and brokers today worry about how to... -
FeaturesAllstate Seeks to Open 50 New Agencies in Florida
Allstate Insurance says it wants to open nearly 50 new agency offices... -
FeaturesBill to Cap Civil Damages Signed by Oklahoma Governor
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin has signed a package of bills aimed at... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Ascension, Walter L. Clark Missouri-based Ascension Insurance Inc.... -
FeaturesCalif. Workers’ Comp Rating Bureau to Skip Mid-Year Rate Filing
California's Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau governing... -
Closing QuoteSpend Time with Customers, Not with Paperwork
I have the opportunity to spend a lot of time talking with insurance... -
FeaturesCreate and Promote Commercial ‘Coverages of the Quarter’
Formalize the Cross-Selling of Business Insurance Restaurants have... -
An Active Season "We expect that anomalously warm tropical Atlantic... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Are Your Customers Properly Protected for Business Interruption?
While you may answer the question posed in the headline by saying... -
FeaturesFeds Probe Illinois Public Agencies’ Workers’ Comp Payouts
Federal prosecutors are investigating possible workers' compensation... -
Idea ExchangeHealth Care Market’s Explosive Growth Offers Agents New Professional Liability Opportunities
The world of professional liability can be a foreign place for many... -
FeaturesJapan’s Tragedy a Reminder of Need for Business Interruption Insurance
The human, social and economic devastation in Japan from the massive... -
FeaturesMississippi Toughens Parental Social Host Liability
Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour has signed into law a bill that... -
FeaturesWisconsin Passes Bill to Reduce Mandatory Minimum Auto Liability Limits
The Wisconsin Legislature passed a bill that will reduce the... -
FeaturesNew York City Drops Plan to Charge for Accident Response
New York City has dropped a controversial plan to charge motorists... -
Editor's NoteLocation, Location, Confidence
Since this is our annual Salary Survey issue, it seems appropriate to... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
FeaturesOregon Considers Medical Malpractice Cap
Oregon legislators are consdiering capping noneconomic damages in... -
FeaturesPennsylvania House Passes Tort Reform Bill
Pennsylvania House lawmakers have passed a major tort reform bill, an... -
People & PlacesPeople
American International Group Inc. (AIG) reorganized Chartis, its... -
FeaturesReinsurance Rates Up, But Few Agree How Much
Reinsurance rates may be edging higher only now, but the companies'... -
FeaturesTallying Tsunami Losses
Damage estimates from the March tsunami resulting from the Japanese... -
FeaturesTexas Sees Rise in Workers’ Comp Medical Cost per Claim
Medical costs per claim in Texas rose 8 percent in 2008, after a... -
FeaturesWeb Exchange
Podcast Highlights Lloyd's on 2010 Results, Japan, What's Ahead Luke... -
FeaturesWest Virginia Subsidy
West Virginia has agreed to provide $5 million to help subsidize the... -
FeaturesWho’s Worth What in the Agency System: Time to Evaluate Frozen Salaries
Agency Salary Survey Reveals Frozen Salaries; Experts Say Time Is... -
Minding Your BusinessWhy Agencies Might Need a Trusted Adviser or Coach
Many owners in agencies today have a lot on their plate. They may be...