May 2, 2011
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Workers' Comp. Report with Directory, Restaurants & Bars, Recreation & Leisure
In this Issue
Reformers Battle Cry "Let's not make it something it's not. Let's not... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
The Hanover, Chaucer A half-billion dollar deal that would make... -
FeaturesE&O for Agents – A Necessity Even if Mistakes Don’t Happen
Errors and omissions insurance is available, and necessary, not just... -
FeaturesJudge Tosses Worker’s Suit Over New York City Office Bedbugs
A former TV news staffer's pioneering lawsuit over bedbug bites she... -
Editor's NoteHealth of Agents
The role of health insurance agents under the new federal healthcare... -
FeaturesPennsylvania Mother Wins $21.6M over Botched Birth
A Pennsylvania jury says the hospital now known as UPMC Hamot must... -
People & PlacesPeople
Marsh & McLennan announced several changes to its senior management... -
FeaturesProsecutors: Claims Rep Steals $45K from Insurance Settlement
A claims rep for Nationwide in New York has been arrested for... -
FeaturesSpring Flooding Renews Concerns over National Flood Insurance Program Expiration
For agents across much of the Northeast, the last several months have... -
FeaturesTop Judge on Delaware Business Court to Leave
The chief judge of Delaware's Chancery Court, whose rulings in cases... -
FeaturesUnderwriters Address Political Risk Exposures in Wake of Crisis
The civil and political unrest in Egypt and other parts of the Middle... -
FeaturesVirginia Insurance Regulators Add Translation Service
Virginia insurance regulators have implemented a telephone...
National Coverage
Features3 Ways Boat Insurance Can Help an Agency Increase Sales
Over the past few months, the boat industry has shown signs of life.... -
FeaturesBragging About an Agent’s Book of Business May Create a Greater Legal Duty of Care
It has often been said that every attorney has a little larceny in... -
Closing QuoteStop Letting Markets Dictate Agency Profits
The term marketplace denotes the terms under which your suppliers are... -
FeaturesDing! Dong! OSHA’s Calling
Every risk manager and business owner should be prepared for a visit... -
FeaturesDirect Premiums Written Drop for Top 50 Workers’ Comp Insurers
As of March 2011, the unemployment rate in the United States was... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Exposures to Watch for When Insuring the Local Neighborhood Tavern Risk
While many towns might not have a hardware store or a dry cleaner,... -
Features100 Years of Relationships
Fourth Generation Family Owned Moreton & Co. Honors Traditional... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Recreational Market Detail: Shoemaker & Besser Associates Inc. offers... -
FeaturesOvercapacity in P/C Insurance Keeping Commercial Prices Down
Most commercial lines insurance prices continued their downward trend... -
FeaturesP/C Premium Growth Not Enough for Market Turnaround: Conning
The property/casualty insurance industry can expect premium growth of... -
FeaturesTop 10 U.S. Excess/Surplus Insurers
The top 10 U.S. excess and surplus lines carriers of 2010 based on... -
FeaturesWeb Exchange
InsuranceJournal.com Reader Poll Do you think P/C insurers, rating... -
FeaturesWhat Agents Need to Know About Recreational Insurance
Vehicles used for recreational purposes such as RVs or boats carry...