In this Issue
Editor's NoteRising Cost of Sandy Damages
It's been a month since Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc along the East... -
FeaturesMore Businesses Seek Government Flood Insurance After Sandy
More businesses are expressing interest in purchasing flood insurance... -
FeaturesWillis: Rising Loss Estimates Not a Surprise
In an online commentary, Willis Group Holdings said the continuing... -
FeaturesInvestor Paulson Lowers Hartford Holdings
John Paulson, a billionaire hedge fund manager and a major... -
FeaturesRMS: Sandy Insured Loss Up to $25B
Catastrophe modeling firm Risk Management Solutions' insured loss... -
DeclarationsDeclarations – East
Tackling Climate Change "I am a firm believer that climate change is... -
FeaturesReinsurers’ Capital Can Absorb Sandy Losses Below $50B: S&P
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said that the reinsurance... -
People & PlacesPeople – East
Dr. Therese M. Vaughan stepped down from her post as chief executive... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves – East
Onex Corp., USI Canadian private equity firm Onex Corp. agreed to...
National Coverage
FeaturesBe Wise Specialize!
Programs Thriving in Today's Market There is a strain of thinking... -
Minding Your BusinessHow to Create a Simple Business Plan for 2013
Creating a business plan does not have to be a daunting task. Yet,... -
Closing QuoteSandy Shows Social Media Is Practically Made for Insurers
In the days before superstorm Sandy, there were many questions. When... -
FeaturesThe Price Is Right
In the long-running game show of the same name, contestants vie with... -
FeaturesProgram Business Hits $24.7B in 2011: Study
The program business market reached $24.7 billion in gross written... -
FeaturesPricing Improved in 2011 But Workers’ Compensation Still Challenged: A.M. Best
The troubled workers' compensation line of business got a break in... -
FeaturesTheft and Vandalism Claims Have Carriers on Edge in Vacant Property Segment
Insurers are restricting the availability of theft and vandalism... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in...