March 25, 2013
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Hot New Markets; High Risk Property; Corporate Profiles - Regional Edition; 2012 Mergers & Acquisitions Summary Report; Quarterly Employee Benefits Brokerage Report
In this Issue
Editor's NoteTransitioning Jobs at MetLife
Insurance giant MetLife Inc. recently announced a plan to move some... -
FeaturesMassachusetts Holds Insurance Awareness Event
Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner Joseph Murphy and his insurance... -
FeaturesAnalysis Highlights Sandy’s Impact on Underwriting Results
Financial information firm SNL Financial's preliminary analysis of... -
FeaturesLegislators Propose Spreading Out NFIP Rate Hike
A group of U.S. representatives from New York proposed a bill that... -
FeaturesCuomo: Banks Release $112M to Sandy Victims
N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this month that banks and mortgage...
National Coverage
FeaturesTop 10 Hot New Markets
Insurance Journal examined industries experiencing changes and... -
Idea Exchange7 Basic Marketing Approaches for Independent Agents
It's impossible to market anything successfully without communicating... -
Closing QuoteGreenberg’s View
From 1967 until March 2005, Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, now chairman... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Don’t Forget About E&O When Buying or Selling an Agency
While the industry seemed to see a spike in mergers and acquisitions... -
FeaturesHow Insurers View the Impact of Climate Change
Besides revealing attitudes about climate change, the Ceres report... -
FeaturesInsurer Readiness on Long-Term Effects of Climate Change Called Into Question: Report
Insurers rank well in readiness for handling the short-term... -
Features2012 Insurance M&A Snapshot
Here is a snapshot of the property/casualty insurance industry merger... -
FeaturesInsurer Strategies for Managing Extreme Weather Risk
Common strategies for risk management include catastrophe modeling,... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in...