November 18, 2013
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Top Personal Lines Retail Agencies; Assisted Living / Long Term Care; Contractors & Builders; Regional Wall Calendar - Sponsor a Month
In this Issue
FeaturesAIG Using Science to Define ‘Broker Quality Index’
Property/casualty insurance brokers who aren't diligent about the... -
FeaturesN.J. Wants Sandy Money Shifted to Housing Repairs
As many as 1,100 families on waiting lists for help rebuilding their... -
FeaturesRegulator Looks to Restrict Force-Placed Insurance Fees
A U.S. housing regulator said on Nov. 5 that it would ban some fees... -
FeaturesN.Y. Issues New Disaster Protocol for Insurers
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that his administration has... -
People & PlacesPeople – East
Chevy Chase, Md.-based underwriting manager Victor O. Schinnerer &...
National Coverage
FeaturesConstruction’s Comeback
There's a new norm in the construction market — a new normal when... -
FeaturesStreamline Coverage through a Controlled Insurance Program
Construction sites can be a flurry of activity. In addition to... -
FeaturesNew Programs, Flexibility Help Contractor Segment Rebuild
Those that specialize in the contractors and builders segment say a... -
Editor's NoteOld Catching Up with the Young
Cellphone use and texting while driving are on the rise along with... -
Closing QuoteObamacare Woes: Lessons for IAIS
Global insurance regulators are hopefully paying attention to the... -
FeaturesInsurers’ Asbestos, Environmental Losses Rose 12% in 2012
While generally not a material drag on the U.S. property/casualty... -
FeaturesTop 50 Personal Lines Leaders
About the Personal Lines Leaders: The 2013 Personal Lines Leaders in... -
Features2013 State Specialist P/C Insurers Revealed
State Specialists are often an independent agent's most reliable and... -
Features10 Things to Know About LTC and Assisted Living
91% of assisted living residents say they are safer living in an... -
FeaturesUse of Predictive Models Widespread in P/C Insurance: Survey
A survey of North American insurance professionals reveals widespread... -
FeaturesInsurance Kiosks the Wave of the Future?
Milk ...check; eggs ... check; bread ... check; car insurance... -
FeaturesCarrier Disintermediation of Agencies
A multitude of forces are causing many carriers to think of ways to... -
FeaturesDirect Interested Sales Leads to the Right Agency Employee
Sales leads arrive at today's property/casualty agencies from a... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
R-T Specialty, Westrope Chicago-based national wholesale insurance... -
Little Good "Looking into earthquake insurance after your home or...