January 27, 2014
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Excess, Surplus & Specialty Markets Directory, Volume I
In this Issue
FeaturesAIG’s Benmosche Receives Leadership Award in N.Y.
St. John's University's School of Risk Management (SRM) held its 19th... -
FeaturesCourt: Caregiver Stabbed by Son Deserves Workers’ Comp
A Pennsylvania state appeals court ruled on Jan. 8 that a western... -
FeaturesN.J.’s Sandy Claims Mediation Program Recovered $3.4M Since May
New Jersey's mediation program to assist residents with unresolved... -
FeaturesFrat Members Sued Over Death at Yale-Harvard Game
Dozens of current and former members of a fraternity at Yale... -
FeaturesBiden, Cuomo Team Up to Promote Smarter Rebuilding
Vice President Joe Biden and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this... -
FeaturesMassachusetts Schedules Hearing on 7.7% WC Rate Hike Request
The Massachusetts Division of Insurance is scheduled to hold a... -
FeaturesN.Y. Enacts Disclosure Law for Public Adjusters
New York State's Act 5775, which took effect Jan. 1, restricts public... -
FeaturesUSAA Covers Mass. Same-Sex Spouses Earlier Denied
Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley says United Services... -
FeaturesN.J. Has Distributed Half of $1.8B in Sandy Aid
Fifteen months after Superstorm Sandy pounded New Jersey, the state... -
FeaturesFeds to Audit N.J.’s $25M Post-Storm Marketing Effort
Federal officials are taking a closer look at how N.J. Gov. Chris... -
People & PlacesPeople – East
Kelly K. Norris has been named executive director of the Glenmont,...
National Coverage
FeaturesFastest Growing E&S Carriers in Top 30 Revealed: Fitch Report
In a year-end report on the U.S. excess and surplus lines market,... -
Editor's NoteThe World’s Biggest Risks
The chronic gap between the incomes of the richest and poorest... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyEncourage Your Inexperienced Agent to Find a ‘Production Peer’
Inexperienced P/C producers frequently feel that they are working... -
Closing QuoteMcKinsey Report Gets It Wrong on Independent Agents
For decades the experts have been betting against independent... -
Minding Your BusinessInsurance Industry Trends for Agencies to Exploit in 2014
In order to be a step ahead of the competition it is best to be... -
FeaturesUnderstanding the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012
Flood insurance has been a staple of development since 1968 when it... -
FeaturesLines Sometimes Blurred in E&S Market, Experts Say
In the days of ole, insurance professionals knew at a glance the type... -
FeaturesGlobal Natural Disasters Cost Insurers $45B in 2013
In 2013, there were 296 separate natural disaster events that... -
FeaturesFourth Quarter Activity Brings a Strong Finish to 2013
While deal flow was calm for most of the year, fourth quarter merger... -
FeaturesTop 10 Corporate Risks in 2014: Allianz Risk Barometer
Business interruption (BI) and supply chain, natural catastrophes and... -
FeaturesP/C Insurance Joint Industry Forum: Insurers Say 2014 Will Not Be As Good as 2013
The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry reported strong... -
FeaturesP/C Direct Premium Written Up 4.1% Through 3Q 2013
Direct premium written (DPW) for property/casualty insurance... -
FeaturesAgency Models: What Defines Today’s True Independent Agency
The conventional definition of an independent agent is an... -
FeaturesBerkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Emerges From 2013 As a Serious Player
Last year was quite a year for Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance... -
FeaturesSurvey: Execs Expect Flood Insurance Delay, TRIA Renewal, Industry Consolidation
A survey conducted at the Insurance Information Institute's... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Brown & Brown, The Wright Group Daytona Beach, Fla.-based national... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Fishing Expedition Prevention "This will preclude an insurer from...