February 23, 2015
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Agency Salary Survey; On the Water: Marinas & Boats; Agribusiness / Farm & Ranch
In this Issue
FeaturesN.Y. MTA’s Captive to Lead Coverage in Fatal Train-SUV Crash
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority's (MTA) captive... -
People & PlacesPeople – East
James T. Harrington announced his retirement as executive director of... -
FeaturesConn. Bill Would Bar Driving With Pet on Lap
Connecticut lawmakers are considering whether to make it illegal for... -
FeaturesConn. Urges Feds Not to Preempt States on Foreign Re Regs
Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, a vocal proponent of state-based... -
FeaturesACLU Settles Suit Over R.I.’s Uninsured Drivers Database
The American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island has settled a... -
FeaturesWinter Claims Rising in Boston, Driven by Ice Dam Damages
Since the first winter storm hit Boston at the end of January, the... -
FeaturesN.Y. to Monitor Insurers’ Cybersecurity Measures
New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) released a... -
FeaturesAnbang Gets U.S. Approval for $1.95B Waldorf Buy
China's Anbang Insurance Group announced this month that its...
National Coverage
Minding Your BusinessProfile of a Great Account Manager
What ingredients make up a good account manager? What do you look for... -
Anthem Data Breach "The personally identifiable information... -
Closing QuoteLow Minimum Limits Unfairly Shift Financial Responsibility
For years, we've listened to those who beat the drum to maintain... -
FeaturesAgent-Broker Profitability Reaches Record 21% for 2014
Agent-broker profitability reached 21 percent for 2014, a new record... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Editor's NoteInsurance and Online Dating
With today's technology the world of knowledge, commerce, and even... -
FeaturesRisky Business: How Agents and the Industry Help Protect Farmers, Ranchers
When you think of hazardous jobs, what comes to mind? First... -
Features5 Things to Consider When Insuring Yachts
Driving by a marina or boatyard, most of us admire the beautiful... -
FeaturesStrategies for Young Professionals in Salary Negotiations
Salary negotiation is a key factor in getting one's career off to the... -
Growing Your Property Casualty Agency9 Marketing Basics to Recall about Email in the Age of Social Media
It's easy to overlook the continued importance of email as a... -
Features10 Things to Know About Boats & Marinas
Recreational boating in 2013 accounted for 4,062 accidents that... -
FeaturesEmployee Pay Up But Morale Down
Agency employees are not happy when it comes to compensation, and... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: How to Calm the E&O Waters When Insuring Marinas
As spring approaches, agencies may have some opportunities to secure... -
FeaturesFraud Adds Up to 17% to Auto Insurance Injury Claims: IRC
A new study estimates that fraud and claim "build-up" add between... -
FeaturesCommercial Lines Softening to Continue in U.S. in 2015: Marsh
Competition among property/casualty insurance carriers and the flow... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Majesco, Agile Insurance technology firm Majesco has completed the...