In this Issue
FeaturesConnecticut Upholds Coverage Denial in IBM Data Loss Case
The Connecticut Supreme Court upheld a lower court's ruling on May 18... -
FeaturesFEMA Sends Out Letters Offering to Review Sandy Claims
The Federal Emergency Management Agency on May 18 mailed out its... -
People & PlacesPeople – East
Benjamin M. Lawsky announced his plan to leave the New York State... -
FeaturesAmtrak Train Crash Victims Face $200M Injuries Cap
For the first time, Amtrak could face a $200 million payout to train... -
FeaturesNew Jersey, New York Allowing Electronic Proof of Auto Insurance
New Jersey began allowing the state's motor vehicle operators to... -
FeaturesProgressive Appointing New Agents in Massachusetts
The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies announced it is actively... -
FeaturesNew Jersey Law Targets Reverse Rate Evasion
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed into law on May 7...
National Coverage
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Listen Safely "The whole thing just got so lost, you know. So the... -
FeaturesNCCI State of the Line Report Reveals Positive Outlook for Workers’ Compensation Market
The workers' compensation industry had a pretty good 2014 in which... -
People & Places22 Reasons Salespeople Don’t Make More Sales
There are a few star performers in sales. The other 99 percent fall... -
Features10 Things to Know About Financial Institutions
1.Financial institutions are increasingly being scrutinized by... -
FeaturesTop 10 Challenges Directors & Officers Face in 2015
Whether addressing a complex securities claim, a parallel government... -
FeaturesThe Market Cycle and Acquisitions
Every reader likely already knows interest rates are rock bottom.... -
FeaturesBest of the Best: Developing Niches
According to the 2014 MarshBerry Market & Financial Outlook report,... -
FeaturesBrokers, Insurers Ready to Tackle Small Business Market
There is a shift happening in the small business segment and the... -
FeaturesCompanies Let Most Technology Assets Go Unprotected: Aon/Ponemon
Cyber is one of the fastest growing risks for companies across the... -
Closing QuoteIs Insurance Industry Falling in Love With Technology Again?
Back in the 2000s, shortly after the dot-com bubble, I remember being... -
Editor's NoteTurbulence Ahead
The workers' compensation industry fared well in 2014. Net written... -
FeaturesMarket for Drone Insurance Expected to Take Off in Next 5 Years
The use of drones could become common practice for almost 40 percent... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Confie Seguros Confie Seguros, based in Huntington Beach, Calif., has... -
FeaturesWhen Dogs Bite, Home Insurers Pay Average $32,000
Max, Bella and their canine comrades cause more than one-third of all...