July 6, 2015
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
The Disaster Issue: Insuring Natural & Man-Made Catastrophes; Commercial Auto (including Taxis, Limos & Fleets); Digital Product Guide
In this Issue
Features6.6M Atlantic, Gulf Coast Homes at Risk of Storm Surge
More than 6.6 million homes on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts are at... -
FeaturesElephant Auto to Add 1,173 Jobs in Va.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced that Elephant Auto Insurance,... -
FeaturesFEMA Sets Deadline for Requesting Sandy Claims Review
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that Sept.... -
FeaturesMass. Court Orders Hearing on Breathalyzer’s Reliability
Massachusetts' highest court in June ordered a hearing on the... -
FeaturesConn. Insurer Settles Ebola Fear Lawsuit
The insurance carrier for a Connecticut city paid $30,000 to settle a... -
People & PlacesPeople – East
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced on June 22 that Ken...
National Coverage
FeaturesHow Hurricane Katrina Changed Business Preparation Planning for Disasters
Nearly 10 years ago, wind and storm surges as a result of Hurricane... -
Closing QuoteThe New Normal in EPLI
It's been interesting to watch the growth of employment practices... -
Features10 Things to Know About Insuring Taxis & Limos
Taxi operators are required to have commercial insurance that... -
Editor's NoteData Breach and Suppliers
With some four-out-of-10 mid-sized businesses having had a cyber... -
FeaturesHow Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling Affects Employee Benefit Plans
Following the historic Supreme Court decision that same-sex couples... -
FeaturesBusiness Income: Why Worksheets Alone Don’t Work
Predicting the impact of a catastrophic event on an organization's... -
FeaturesWhere Did NFIP’s Debt Come From?
Studying how the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) became more... -
Montana Microcosm "What we are seeing in Montana is a reflection of... -
FeaturesHow to Prioritize ‘Going Digital’ in a Digital Age
Going digital for any agency may seem overwhelming, however experts... -
FeaturesSupreme Court Opinion to Have No Effect on Health Insurers: S&P
The Supreme Court opinion upholding current tax subsidies under the... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Patriot National, Brandywine Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based Patriot... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Will Your Files Help or Hurt You in a Disaster?
Typically, there's not much warning when a disaster strikes. No one... -
FeaturesP/C Direct Premium Written Up Nearly 4 Percent
Direct premium written (DPW) for property/casualty insurance... -
FeaturesCrop Insurance Payments for Drought More Than for Flooding
Farmers are reaping higher yields and ranchers' feed costs have... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
FeaturesThe Age of Big Data and Agencies – Not
This is the age of big data. The concept is to collect all kinds of... -
FeaturesFlood Insurance Claims Underpayments Not Widespread: Senate Study
The U.S. government's appeals process for reviewing flood insurance... -
FeaturesPlugging the Hole in the U.S. Flood Market: How Risk Modelers Can Help to De-Risk the NFIP
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has long been the... -
Features‘Seismicity’: Re/insurers Ponder the Impact of Human-Caused Earthquakes
Earthquakes, the natural kind caused by the movements of vast...