September 4, 2017
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Surplus Lines: State of the Market / NAPSLO Issue; Emerging Risks; Energy
In this Issue
FeaturesPennsylvania Selects Commissioner Miller to Lead Department of Human Services
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf has selected Insurance Commissioner Teresa... -
FeaturesFeds Say Brake Problems Preceded Derailment in Pennsylvania
Crews encountered air brake problems before a 178-car freight train... -
FeaturesNew York Bus Firms Seek Damages Over Handling of Workers’ Comp Claim
New York Bus Operators Compensation Trust (NYBOCT), a Bay Shore,... -
People & PlacesPeople
Optisure Risk Partners, a Manchester, N.H.-based insurance broker,...
National Coverage
FeaturesBrokers Bucking Disruption: How Wholesalers Hang On Through Change
As long as there is an insurance industry, wholesaler brokers believe... -
Editor's NoteHarvey Hits Home
As a native Texan, my heart hurts for the thousands of people and... -
FeaturesBreaking the Silence: Cyber Physical Cat Models Emerging
A frightened truck driver dodging a barrage of bullets fired from the... -
FeaturesReport: Climate Change May Pose Threat to Nation’s Electric Grid
Climate change may pose a serious risk to the nation's electric grid,... -
Idea ExchangeThe Competitive Advantage: Let’s Eradicate Incompetency
I recently wrote an article describing my horrendous experience... -
Idea ExchangePoliticians in Robes: Why Judicial Activism Is a Threat
At his confirmation hearing, now Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch... -
Idea ExchangeWhether to File a Lien or Intervene: Practical Considerations to Maximize Subrogation Recovery
Consider this scenario: You have a strong case for subrogation... -
FeaturesLessons Learned from Hurricane Andrew
How the Insurance Industry Can Mitigate the Next Big Natural Disaster... -
FeaturesWSIA: Past, Present and Future
The wholesale, specialty and surplus lines market is healthy and... -
FeaturesP/C Insurers Lost $5.1B on Underwriting in First Half of 2017
The U.S. property/casualty (P/C) industry recorded a net underwriting... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Widerman & Company, Smith Brothers Insurance Widerman &... -
Campus Guns "College campuses as gun-free zones present an... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Armored Car Services Market Detail: The Mechanic Group...