October 16, 2017
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Focus on Professional Liability / PLUS; Habitational / Dwellings; Agents' E&O Survey
In this Issue
FeaturesPenn. Supreme Court Says Malice Not Required to Win Bad Faith Claims
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court unanimously affirmed a decision by the... -
FeaturesSILVER Best Agency to Work For – KMRD Partners
One of the first messages that appears on KMRD Partners Inc.'s... -
FeaturesN.Y. Appellate Court Affirms Summary Judgement in $58M Insurance Dispute
The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court, First... -
People & PlacesPeople – East
The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York (IIABNY)...
National Coverage
Cover StoryAgency E&O Before and After the Storm
For independent agents, errors and omissions (E&O) allegations... -
Editor's NoteTraffic Accident Deaths Still Up
Traffic accident deaths in the U.S. continue to rise, even while... -
FeaturesHow to Help Clients with Disaster Claims
In an online discussion on agency errors and omissions (E&O)... -
FeaturesWorkers’ Compensation Costs and Benefits Decline as a Share of Payroll: Study
Workers' compensation employer costs as a share of payroll declined... -
FeaturesThe Growing Cannabis Industry and Captive Insurance
Across America, the tides are turning in favor of the cannabis... -
FeaturesBuild a Personal Brand
There is a talent gap looming ahead for the insurance industry. It's... -
Idea ExchangeMinding Your Business: 9 Ways to Change & Positively Influence Employees
Hiring quality people for an insurance agency has always been tricky.... -
Idea ExchangeThe Wedge: A Simple Concept that Changed How We Sell
Like you, I've been to dozens of sales training classes. I've read... -
FeaturesCatastrophes and the Property Market
The catastrophe exposed property and habitational markets could be in... -
FeaturesQ3 Could Be Most Expensive Ever for Natural Disasters: Report
The third quarter of 2017 is likely to break a new record as one of... -
FeaturesNew Association for Insurance Agency Networks Forming
An insurance industry lender is among those touting a new association... -
FeaturesDriver Concerns Over the Future of Autonomous Vehicles: AIG Study
Safety of the vehicles, including the risk of hacking, are key... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Trucking - Motor Truck Cargo Market Detail: Encore Special Risks LLC... -
Fighting Workers' Comp Cuts "These proposed regulations and... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Alera Group, West Park Insurance and Risk Management Alera Group, a...