February 24, 2020
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Insurance Journal East Magazine
Agency Salary Survey Results; Markets: Marinas & Boat, Agribusiness / Farm & Ranch
National Coverage
Editor's NoteHow Costs for Obesity Vary by Industry
Although obese employees incur higher direct and indirect costs, the... -
FeaturesWhy Comparing Drug Prices Drops Costs for Employers and Patients
A University of California at Berkeley study has found that a... -
FeaturesAllstate’s Growth Plan Includes Shift in Agent Commissions, Hike in Advertising
Allstate first disclosed its Transformative Growth Plan in December,... -
FeaturesAgricultural Industry Looks to Dogs as the Next Crop Inspectors
Dogs specially trained by the federal government's Agricultural... -
FeaturesSpecialty Broker Shares Thoughts on Today’s Marina Market
Barbara Galgiani has spent her entire career specializing in both... -
FeaturesBeyond Farming: Agritainment and Farm Liability Coverage
The business of operating a farm has evolved significantly in the... -
FeaturesFinding the right balance: Time to get creative with comp
What makes employees happy at work? Is it pay? Is it benefits?... -
FeaturesAgency Employee Satisfaction Falls Despite Pay Raise
Insurance agency personnel on average made a little more money in... -
FeaturesLogic & Language, Forms & Facts: Frozen II, The Sequel
For much of the country, 'tis the season to beware of frozen water... -
FeaturesWhy Small Agencies Struggle to Hire New Producers
It's hard to find a needle in a haystack, unless you know what you... -
FeaturesCultivating Your Career by Playing to Your Strengths
How satisfied do you feel at your job? If you're not ranking where... -
FeaturesHas Our Company Partnered with a Bad Recruiter?
The most popular "Ask the Insurance Recruiter" article in 2019 was... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Personal Umbrella - High Risk Drivers Market Detail: Indemnity Excess... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
National The Hanover Insurance Group has appointed Matthew S.... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
National Tokio Marine, Pure Group Tokio Marine Holdings has completed... -
Fair Report Privilege "The defendants' statements were privileged;... -
FeaturesCompetitive Compensation in a Candidate-Driven Market
The industry is continuing to experience a candidate-driven market...