May 1, 2000
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
The Joy of PWC - AAMGA Convention Preview
In this Issue
FeaturesStudy Finds 1999 a Disastrous Year for Workers’ Comp
Recent findings of the nonprofit Workers' Compensation Insurance... -
FeaturesFrontier’s A.M. Best Ratings Take a Slide
In a rating action taken on April 21, A.M. Best Co. again downgraded... -
FeaturesState Farm Exits InsWeb’s Marketplace
Effective May 1, State Farm will no longer participate in Redwood... -
FeaturesBooze and Boating Can Be A Risky, Sometimes Deadly, Mix
Many states apply the same drunk driving standards to boat operators... -
FeaturesInternational Commmentary
China, PNTR and WTOĆRealism and Caution The current phase of... -
FeaturesAAMGA Members Set to Convene in the Florida Sunshine
Follow Your Dreams" will be the theme at the 74th annual meeting of... -
FeaturesMergers & Acquisitions
Brown & Brown, Cornwall & Stevens In an effort to increase its... -
FeaturesMen are from Mars, women from Venus, independent agents from Mercury
Bud Wilson, past president of the Independent Insurance Agents of... -
Tech TalkSo how accessible is your site’
Vic is a computer professional. He makes a good living for his wife... -
Cover StoryPERSONAL WATERCRAFT, Expanding the appeal of recreational boat coverage
Both the marine industry and the insurance industry have witnessed a... -
FeaturesWhat Are You Anyway’ Agent/Broker Distinctions Can Get Muddled
Recent legislation has industry circles wrestling over the ongoing... -
FeaturesOn the Road: Insuring RVs
It's not just your grandparents heading down the road in a Winnebago... -
FeaturesSnowmobiling:The New Craze Offers a Mountain of Opportunities
The snowmobile: fun and safe family transport vehicle, or the... -
FeaturesMergers, Acquisitions All Too Often Accompanied by Lawsuits
Along with the skyrocketing merger and acquisition activity during... -
FeaturesAAMGA Outgoing President Takes Changing Marketplace in Stride
It was the eve of a major trade association event, the annual... -
Deputy Commissioner George Grays added his resignation to the current... -
The 24th Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA) National... -
The California Assembly Banking and Finance Committee rejected... -
HNC Insurance Solutions, a wholly owned subsidiary of San Diego-based... -
Insure.com issued a report entitled "Hidden Rivers of Incentive: How... -
A racial discrimination lawsuit filed by a Richmond fair-housing... -
Seattle-based SAFECO Corp. announced that both Property & Casualty... -
An application by General Motors to move into banking by setting up a... -
Citigroup has completed its cash offer to purchase all outstanding... -
MergersPIA, Morgan-White
Independent, privately held managing underwriter Professional... -
Fraud RoundupRock Star Singing the Blues
Larry Ollison, a former member of the rock band The Platters, pled... -
Fraud RoundupRemoved All But the ‘Muffler’
Sylvester Chavez, 22, and Shelly Hayworth, 45, both of Fresno, were... -
Fraud RoundupBroker Accused of Shocking Behavior
Donald Clinton Jones of Walnut Creek, a licensed insurance broker,... -
Fraud RoundupLinn Caught on the Lam
Clayton Linn of Lake Elsinore, a fugitive since September of 1999,... -
Fraud RoundupWorking Double Time
Sharyls Lamarsh of Carson City, Nev., was charged with one felony... -
Fraud RoundupClimbing the Ladder of Un-Success
Charges were filed against Vagan Kazaryan of Sacramento stemming from... -
RatingsBerkley Regional Group Downgraded
A.M. Best downgraded the financial strength rating of the Berkley... -
RatingsS&P Rates INSCO-Dico Group Cos.
Standard & Poor's (S&P) took rating actions on three Irvine-based... -
RatingsState Farm Auto Gets ‘AAA’
Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co. (DCR) assigned an initial claims... -
RatingsKemper Outlook is Stable
DCR assigned an "A" claims paying ability rating to the Kemper... -
RatingsNationwide Mutual Deal Evaluated
A.M. Best affirmed the financial strength ratings of Nationwide Group... -
RatingsMarkel Ratings, CreditWatch Revised
S&P lowered its ratings on Markel Corp. and related entities. In... -
RatingsHartford Financial Affirmed
The A2 senior long-term debt and Prime-1 commercial paper ratings of... -
RatingsProgressive Corp. Affirmed
Progressive Corp.'s "A+" counterparty credit and senior debt ratings... -
RatingsDCR Gives FM Global ‘AA-‘
A "AA-" claims paying ability rating was assigned to Factory Mutual...