May 29, 2000
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
School Rules: Millennium Brings New Risks for Insurers
In this Issue
FeaturesA Hard Sell for the CDI
Although the California Department of Insurance (CDI) is still tied... -
FeaturesMoratoriums Add Up in Calif.’s Nonstandard Market
Could it be that the California nonstandard auto market is hardening?... -
FeaturesQuackenbush Alleges ‘Political Ambush’ Faces Holocaust Questions
The beleaguered California Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush... -
FeaturesA Good Idea Takes Off: Young Agents Celebrates 25 Years
Back in the mid '70s, Gail Murrell, Dennis Kristan and Fred... -
Tech TalkKeeping the creepy crawlies out of your system
For those of you who keep archives of IJ, you'll notice that almost... -
Cover StorySCHOOL RULES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM: School Districts Face New Risks from the Playground to the Clas
With the new millennium comes a complex array of challenges to... -
FeaturesLloyd’s Presents Strong Defense Against Names in Jaffray Case
For the past two months, Lloyd's has been presenting evidence in the... -
FeaturesAFP Survey Finds Internet Use for Insurance Industry On the Rise
With the widespread use of the Internet, a growing number of... -
FeaturesLatin American Agents Assoc. Gathers for Inaugural Trade Fair
The Latin American Agents Association (LAAA) will hold its first... -
FeaturesFrazier Finds Ultimate Success as ‘Small Agent in a Small Town’
In his nearly 50 years in the insurance industry, George Frazier... -
FeaturesVolunteer Workforce,Lifeblood of the Nonprofits, Need Special Coverages
Volunteers-without them, most nonprofit organizations would not... -
FeaturesAAMGA Members focus on Education, Honoring Industry Leaders
Attendees at this year's Association of Managing General Agents... -
The Superior Court of the State of California recently made a ruling... -
Frontier Insurance Group has entered into a definitive agreement to... -
Assembly Bill 1738, the bill that would form a consumer "watchdog"... -
A new earthquake bill would invite an avalanche of claims, according... -
On May 19, the European Union and China announced that they had... -
TechnocracyKeeping the creepy crawlies out of your system
For those of you who keep archives of IJ, you'll notice that almost... -
Fraud RoundupLiving a Life of Lies
Following a joint investigation by the CDI Fraud Division and the... -
Fraud RoundupSounds Like a Bad Case of Regret
Following a three-month investigation, Cecil Nuncio Gloria of... -
Fraud RoundupRepo Man Pays an Unwelcome Visit
Rickki Chantelle Saulsby of Citrus Heights was arrested and booked... -
Fraud RoundupIt Takes One to Know One
Tina Marie Gains of Elk Grove was arrested and charged with five... -
Fraud RoundupPhone-y Workers’ Comp Claim
Paul C. Caldwell of Marina Del Rey was arraigned on 14 felony counts... -
RatingsMutual Risk Management Affirmed
The "A+" counterparty credit and financial strength ratings on Legion... -
RatingsFirst Insurance of Hawaii Gets ‘BBBpi’
A "BBBpi" financial strength rating was assigned to First Insurance... -
RatingsLloyd’s ‘A’ Rating Affirmed/Outlook Negative
Lloyd's "A" rating and financial size category of XV were affirmed by... -
RatingsSirius Upgraded to ‘AA-‘
The counterparty credit and insurer financial strength ratings on... -
RatingsAllstate’s $900M Senior Notes Get ‘A+’
An "A+" rating was assigned to Allstate Corp's $900 million in 7.875... -
RatingsLiberty Mutual Takes an ‘AA-‘
Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co. (DCR) assigned an "AA-" claims paying... -
RatingsOhio Casualty on WatchNeg
The "A" counterparty credit and financial strength ratings on the... -
Ratings21st Century Ratings Affirmed
S&P's "A+" counterparty credit and financial strength ratings on 21st...