September 18, 2000
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
2000 Program Directory, Vol. I
In this Issue
FeaturesBest Drops Amwest Group Rating to ‘B’
On Aug. 28, 2000, the financial strength rating of Amwest Group was... -
FeaturesGovernor Davis Signs California Agent Licensing Bill
On Sept. 5, California Governor Gray Davis signed into law AB 393,... -
FeaturesKelso Issues Cease & Desist Order to Winters Group
A Cease & Desist Order, issued by acting California Insurance... -
Tech TalkNews and views encompassing the world of technology
You know how I love to get e-mails from PR people telling me how I... -
FeaturesQuackenbush Scandal Played Starring Role in 1999-2000 Legislative Session
As the clock struck midnight on Aug. 30, lawmakers were spent but... -
Cover StoryPlaying the Green: Insuring Golf Courses
It's a well known fact in the insurance industry that we are also, in... -
FeaturesIs It a Program or a Package’ Here’s How to Tell the Difference
If both programs and packages combine necessary, traditional lines of... -
FeaturesCommercial Property/Casualty Rates Continue Upwarde
Commercial property-casualty rates continued to increase across the... -
FeaturesAlliance Conference Report: Joseph, Pouliot Deem Industry Secure
Speakers at the recent American Agents Alliance Conference & Expo... -
FeaturesCommentary: Reverse Bad Habits Formed During the Soft Market
Without revealing your age, do you remember the hard market of the... -
FeaturesAXA Moves to Strengthen Core Business After Sale of DLJ
At the end of August, AXA Financial (AXF), the unit of France's AXA... -
Superior National Insurance Group Inc. reached an agreement with the... -
Despite a recent hardening of prices in the property/casualty... -
Former California Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush has... -
Ground acceleration in the Sept. 3 magnitude 5.2 Napa Valley... -
In a recent letter to agents, XDimensional Technologies Inc. (XDTI)... -
Fraud RoundupOffice Run by a Mis-Manager
Kathleen C. Ridgway, a Beverly Hills office manager, was arrested at... -
Fraud RoundupAnother Agent Gone Bad
Following a joint investigation by the CDI Investigation Bureau and... -
Fraud RoundupOh, Brother
Following a two-month investigation by the CDI Fraud Division,... -
Fraud RoundupNo More Waiting for This Ringleader
On Aug. 29, former attorney Manny Lee Kreitenberg of Beverly Hills... -
Fraud RoundupAnother Bumpy Landing
Paul Franklin Ostrove, the Hermosa Beach resident who crash-landed... -
RatingsZFS Outlook Stable
The outlook of Zurich Financial Services (ZFS), the Switzerland-based... -
RatingsS&P Affirms Corpa Reinsurance
The "Bpi" financial strength rating on Corpa Reinsurance Company was... -
Ratings‘AA-‘ Assigned to AFMIG
"AA-" counterparty credit and financial strength ratings were... -
RatingsUnitrin Lowered
The financial strength rating of Unitrin Property and Casualty... -
RatingsWawanesa Mutual’s ‘Api’ Affirmed
The "Api" financial strength rating on San Diego-based Wawanesa... -
RatingsPennsylvania Lumbermens Gets ‘BBBpi’
The "BBBpi" financial strength rating on Philadelphia-based...