October 2, 2000
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
After the Gold Rush: Insurance Dot-Coms Need the Agent - Cyberspace Cr
In this Issue
FeaturesCalif. Sits on Epicenter of National Quake Survey
According to the first national survey of earthquake risks, 75... -
FeaturesEsurance Cuts Staff by 25 Percent, seeks Buyer
San Francisco-based Esurance Inc. has laid off approximately... -
FeaturesCredit General Signs Cut-Through, Resumes Writing
Credit General Insurance Company and Credit General Indemnity Company... -
FeaturesAssociation’s Hard Work Pays Off with Success of NAPSLO 2000
"There are leaders all over this room—it doesn't just have to be in... -
FeaturesCyberliability: Identifying the Risks in Cyberspace Can Be Tricky
As Internet use increases, both individuals and businesses face a... -
FeaturesIndependent currents Survey Says: Agency Systems are Stronger
Silicon Valley operatives like to gloat about a shrinking independent... -
Tech TalkWebFSC: Is It Hype or Help’
There was quite a commotion over at the FSC (Facilities & Service... -
FeaturesMold Claims Create a New Frontier in Constuction Defect Litigation
Mold. An extremely common organism, it's found in veritably every... -
Cover StoryAfter the Gold Rush: Insurance Dot-Coms Shift increasingly Toward the Agent
In the "stake-your-claim" environment of Internet insurance, any... -
CurrentsIndependent currents:Survey Says: Agency Systems are Stronger
Silicon Valley operatives like to gloat about a shrinking independent... -
White Mountains Insurance Group agreed to buy the U.S.... -
American International Group President and Chief Operating Officer... -
The Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA) and the National... -
Market-Scout, a Dallas-based e-commerce company, selected CNA as its... -
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. plans to reorganize to a mutual holding... -
Fraud RoundupDancing Around the Truth
On Sept. 8, Noel Francine DeSota of Lake Forest was arrested and... -
Fraud RoundupThe Price Isn’t Right
On Sept. 8, Anthony Lloyd Willis, a former Los Angeles insurance... -
Fraud RoundupFather and Son Duo Do Wrong
Two insurance brokers, Jack Hagop Printsian, 62, and his son, Ara... -
RatingsLloyd’s ‘A+’ Affirmed
The "A+" insurer financial strength rating (FSR) on U.K.-based... -
RatingsLiberty Northwest ‘Api’ Affirmed
The "Api" FSR on Liberty Northwest Insurance Corp. was affirmed by... -
RatingsS&P Assigns ‘BBBpi’ to American Road
A "BBBpi" FSR was assigned to The American Road Insurance Co. (ARI)... -
RatingsAFG Subsidiaries Affirmed
Fitch took rating actions on a group of the American Financial Group... -
RatingsAmerican Mining Gets ‘BBpi’
A "BBpi" FSR was assigned to American Mining Insurance Co. Inc. by...